NAF World Headquarters

Converting - Lego Blood Bowl!

Spazzfist - Oct 02, 2004 - 06:05 PM
Post subject: Lego Blood Bowl!
I think it was Darkson who joked about proxying lego guys for BB figs, but this guy actually goes all the way and has made a board, teams, etc!

Check it out!

I have been chatting wtih him and he says that he plans to have some instructions ready in the near future about how to build your own pitch and has even offered to send a prize for "The Challenge of Q'ermitt tourney!"

Thom - Oct 03, 2004 - 10:35 PM
Post subject:
Entirely too cool!
Funny thing is that just the other day I was looking at my daughters old Lego's trying to imagine converting some of them!
Well done sir!
Artico - Oct 05, 2004 - 01:14 AM
Post subject:
Shocked o my god!!!!! Shocked
Nidhoggr - Oct 13, 2004 - 08:09 AM
Post subject:
hehe, REAALLY liked these ones Very Happy
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