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Converting - Green Stuff?

Rabid_Bogscum - Oct 28, 2004 - 12:06 AM
Post subject: Green Stuff?
Question please.... what in all that is french is green stuff exactly and where am I likely to find it. Im in Sydney and have just rediscovered Blood Bowl using a lizardmen team, and what with there being no blood bowl for sale in Aus anymore.. sniff.. will have to order Lizzies from UK or US. For a team with only two types of position (excluding the Krox of course) I am rather uninspired by the the range of miniatures.. thought i'd me-ize them, but truth be told not 100 % where to start. Any advice?
Darkson - Oct 28, 2004 - 02:15 AM
Post subject:
Look under Tools and Accesories - Green Stuff is listed there, including it's correct name.
As to where you'dfind it "down-under", no idea I'm afraid.
spree - Oct 28, 2004 - 03:42 AM
Post subject: Re: Green Stuff?
      Rabid_Bogscum wrote:
Question please.... what in all that is french is green stuff exactly and where am I likely to find it.

Bogscum, it's basically modelling putty, it comes in a strip of 2 colours that when mixed can be sculpted and will eventually harden.

Check your local Games Workshop store, they should have it in stock!
Darkson - Oct 28, 2004 - 02:02 PM
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From the sculptors I've spoken to, avoid GW greenstuff if you can, it's not that good.
AnthonyTBBF - Oct 28, 2004 - 02:54 PM
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GW Green Stuff is real Green Stuff... it's all from the same place.
Colin - Oct 28, 2004 - 05:46 PM
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True, but according to some, the GW stuff isn't as fresh and supposedly not as good for sculpting or something like that (I think that's what Darkson was trying to get at).
Xtreme - Oct 28, 2004 - 09:51 PM
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      AnthonyTBBF wrote:
GW Green Stuff is real Green Stuff... it's all from the same place.

Unless you get the blue and white strips, then its not so green. Wink
Darkson - Oct 29, 2004 - 03:22 AM
Post subject:
Yeah, sorry, I wasn't being very clear. The GW greenstuff isn't kept in optimal conditions, and isn't normally that fresh, although that might be a GW UK problem I suppose.
Both the guys at my home club that have used greenstuff to sculpt (as opposed to fill) have said the one they got from Heresy was better (and chaper - no surprise there! Wink ).
AnthonyTBBF - Oct 29, 2004 - 07:00 AM
Post subject:
The blue and white stuff is from the same company, it' just a different formula with different properties. It's OK for gap filling.

Yes getting fresh Green Stuff is key, personally I haven't had problems with the stuff from GW here,
ponkavitch - Oct 29, 2004 - 07:32 PM
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I've tried using the GW Green Stuff and found that it wasn't that good. not because it was old (though it is now since i havn't used it) but because it didn't set hard enough. it stayed slightly flexible and I found I couldn't file it down and sculpt it like I wanted to. So now I use Tamiya epoxy putties. I have two types:
"Quick type" which is harder and so is good for structual work and things that are going to be sticking out, though I always try to "pin" in things like that first. the second I have is "Smooth Surface" I use it for pretty much everything else since its easy to work with and great to detail.

I havn't tried any other brand of "green stuff" so I couln't tell you about them. And I Am also Iin Aus and you can get GW green stuff from any GW store or on-line. you can get other brand green stuff from hobbie shops especialy if thwey deel this the Role playing wargameing crowds. and you can get the Tamiya putties from almost any hobbie shop.
AnthonyTBBF - Oct 30, 2004 - 08:15 AM
Post subject:
There is only one brand of Green Stuff. The others are called epoxy putties.

The company that makes Green Stuff has a Brown Stuff mix that is harder than GS and can be filed etc. Many sculptors mix this and GS together. GS is supposed to be somewhat flexible. There are other brands out there such as Milliput that sculptors mix into GS to give more stiffness as well.

If you guys want more info I suggest checking out the FAQ from the 1List Sculpting group on Yahoo Groups. They have a really good section about all this kind of stuff (no pun intended Wink).
GalakStarscraper - Oct 30, 2004 - 08:31 PM
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Used brown stuff from Heresy for some conversions this week ... was happy with how it worked for the project I was using it for. Green Stuff would have never worked for the detail I was trying for as it would have "melted" before setting and lost the detail.

I also order my green stuff from Heresy (along with my titanium drill bits) and keep both green and brown in the freezer at home. I've been much happier with the "freshness" of it compared to the stuff I had purchased in the past from GW. Sorry Anthony ... maybe working for them you have better luck.

AnthonyTBBF - Oct 31, 2004 - 12:20 AM
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I use mine up pretty fast so it doesn't sit around for long. I just buy it from the store like everyone else though. Anyways I know up here they don't keep a ton of it in the warehouse.,
majortusk - Nov 16, 2004 - 07:47 AM
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I like green stuff. I had some sitting in a bitz bin for the last 3 years and just used it last night with no problem.

I will post a pic of the conversion I did sometime. I could use it for my undead head coach.

Its a pretty cool Black coach Conversion.
Tim - Nov 18, 2004 - 06:39 AM
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you could always go to your local GW store and buy Warhammer plastic regiment boxes of Sauri and Skinks (1 each) and a Warhammer Kroxigor blister (metal). These look actually better than the BB lizards imo and because they are plastic and you have over double the number you'll need for a team, you can convert and experiment as much as you like. Plus they are way easier to get ...
Rabid_Bogscum - Nov 18, 2004 - 04:39 PM
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cheers for that tim... It was a consideration of mine as obviously warhammer is still available in Aus. Have a mate that is over in US at the moment am tossing up your option and getting him to grab me the lizardmen team. thanks for all the replies guys
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