NAF World Headquarters

North America - Proposal for Southern Tournament...........

Sugarwookie - Nov 10, 2004 - 10:46 AM
Post subject: Proposal for Southern Tournament...........
We just got finished with our second league in Greenville, SC and it was a great success. We had over 20 teams run in the league this year and we expect more in 05!
The problem I have now is there won't be another Blood Bowl league til next year. I'm itching to put together something that would bring local state clubs together for one huge tourney.
I have two ideas I would love help with if you think anyone in your area might be interested.

One is a sort of "North Vs. South" style one day tourney. We could battle it out for a day of fun with prizes and a huge mainstay award like the "Stanley Cup" that leaves or stays with the winners until next year. The winner would have his team name engraved on the award and it would stay with the store that won the award. Upon the next year the area teams would travel to the host cup holder for the next round.
This would be great if we could get teams from GA, NC, VA, TN, SC al together and I think it's very do-able!

My second idea is finding a good place to hold a huge tourney central to Southeastern leagues. I think we have a good following here in SC, I know we'd have 10-15 teams enter and if we could just round up another 20-30 it would make an awesome tournament that would be very memorable. At the same time we'd be connecting with other leagues and building a good friendship with people who love the game.

I'd love to hear from some folks who possibly are running, or have ran leagues and are itching to do something fun. Please drop me an e-mail at


D Skull
Old_Man_Monkey - Nov 10, 2004 - 11:07 AM
Post subject:
Atlanta or Charlotte, D - there are already either (1) cons to tie into if that's what you want (DragonCon in ATL, CarolinaCon in Charlotte), or (2) large leagues in existence to draw upon for setting up an independent tournament.

As far as a North v South, Charlotte and Columbia are as central to most of the southeastern states. Steve Gibbs in Charlotte could act as the host for the North side - there are a couple of folk I've not met that organize leagues/tournaments in Columbia - you may know of them already.

Having the tournament at Atlanta Gamesday is always a possiblitiy now too - I believe GW intends on holding this on an annual basis going forward.
Sugarwookie - Nov 10, 2004 - 08:37 PM
Post subject:

Thanks for the reply. I realize that the Cons are having them, but it'd be nice to have something outside of those if you know what I mean. Once more tournament can't hurt in my eyes!!

You mentioned Columbia and Charlotte. I don't have any contact info for either. Can you lend a hand and get me the adee for these folks. I'd really like to get something set up for early next year!


FSUpadre - Nov 25, 2004 - 10:31 AM
Post subject:
Ater this discussion came up, David and I started talking about a good central place for a tournament, and we had mentioned Atlanta Games Day. The Skel Crew is planning on going up in March to hold a BB tournament at GD (we should have MORE than enough boards), and although there would be an entry fee, at least it's a large setting for a bunch of people to get together and face off
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