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Strategy and Tactics - Numerical advantage... What would you do?

DannyRax - Jan 23, 2005 - 02:38 PM
Post subject: Numerical advantage... What would you do?
I'm in the middle of a game. Human team against another Human team.

1-0 to my advantage.

He has 1 Knockedout who is still KO for the beginning of the next half, and one Badly hurt. My team is intact.

My roster:

2 Blitzer
1 Thrower
2 Catcher
6 lineman (one has Block)
1 Ogre

My question is:

Do I take advantage of his lack of reserve and 10 player on the field to push an agressive attack on him "OR" play it safe and try to stick to slow attack backing up my end zone?

I don't know how it will look but to give you an idea that's what I plan to do: (by the way I receive the kick-off)

--------------Middle of the field----------------
_______________ B L B



Reserve: Lineman

(sorry for the ___ everywhere but it was the only way to keep the characters to move back to the left)

I was thinking of this attack like a Dark Elf team would do it.
By setting a possible attack by three spot, I want to force him
to spread is defence to the maximum and use the weak spot
to score fast. Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

What do you think?

Spazzfist - Jan 23, 2005 - 04:56 PM
Post subject:
Personally I would totally take advantage of your numerical superiority. Use your numnbers to get the 2 dice blocks and just pound the snot out of him. 1 guy in the Ko'd box is not a very clear advantage. Depending on your opponent, that may be nothing! Having played wood elves before I was used to being badly outnumbered but making my opponent pay for any mistakes that he made!

There is no sense in scoring quickly, especially seeing as this gives him the opportunity to get his man back. Before you score, make sure you get a couple more guys off of the field - preferably ones that will definitely not come back! Twisted Evil

Hit him hard on one side and then roll up the flank. Move the ball forward and keep it protected - but don't score until you have to. Some people don't like this tactic, but I see it as perfectly viable.

No mercy! Twisted Evil

DannyRax - Jan 23, 2005 - 05:52 PM
Post subject:
You are absolutely right... and evil. Shocked

But I like that! Wink hehe

Doubleskulls - Jan 23, 2005 - 11:20 PM
Post subject:
Use the code tags to get text to align properly

BTW I'd rarely put blitzers on the LOS. I'd use the Ogre and your worst players.
VBZ - Jan 24, 2005 - 12:50 AM
Post subject:
Too true. Putting blitzers on the LOS when on defence is just asking for them to be taken out, besides isn't that what the linemen are for? You're much better off putting those blitzers in the mid-backfield, and maybe pairing them up with a spare lineman, where they can disrupt any developping plays with maximum effect.

P.S: I always wanted to paint up a human team where all the linemen wore a codpiece (via green stuff) with a bullseye motif painted on and a big red arrow on their chest on top of which would be written,"KICK ME HERE."
juck101 - Jan 24, 2005 - 01:57 AM
Post subject:
i always try to score as many as possible - ie 2 if a man advantage - but also i lose every time i touch a ag3 st3 team. Sad
- i would advise play to the strength of humans (none) but with a man adavntage thus you HAVE to keep on fighting and retain possession.
Indigo - Jan 24, 2005 - 04:09 AM
Post subject:
Remember to foul him to pieces too to get a further numerical advantage.
DannyRax - Jan 26, 2005 - 04:15 PM
Post subject:
Good idea to put the blitzer behind... I should have thought of this earlier. Anyway, I changed my mind about the setup I posted. I'm at work right now so I can't post it now. But will try latter. Thanks for the tips!

DannyRax - Jan 26, 2005 - 04:16 PM
Post subject:
And yes... you're reading the date of my reply right. The coward is avoiding me... He just don't want to see how bad it can get I think...

anyway. Have a nice one everyone

Ever_Blind_Flames - Jan 15, 2006 - 02:56 PM
Post subject:
I would put the ogre and the blitzers on the line for one simple reason your not defending your receving the kick so you will move first. So start by breaking is bones with the MB of the ogre than you can use your blitzer to block with more strenght on the line and even if you get Both Down Both Down you get him cause you got block. than you can bring one of your lineman to get the foul.

You can still place your catchers in touch down position since you completely cleared is defensive line. You wait till the last moment then pass to one open catcher and score and be sure to destroy him every turn before you score (does he have an ogre too because this could cause you some trouble)

P.S. Fouling a lineman is not worth it foul something juicy (like a poor little catcher).
Darkson - Jan 16, 2006 - 09:00 AM
Post subject:
I think he might have finished the game after nearly a year. Rolling Eyes
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