NAF World Headquarters

North America - Spokane Slaughterfest 04-30-05

fe2mike - Jan 24, 2005 - 03:16 PM
Post subject: Spokane Slaughterfest 04-30-05
Open to all coaches
Location: Merlyn???s
W. 19 Main St.
Spokane, WA. 99201
Date: Will be held on Saturday, April 30th, 2005
Cost: $15. $10 for NAF members
Rules: Current living rulebook and the most current version of the rules review.

The tournament will be 4 rounds of Swiss. Starting teams will be 1,000,000 GP, plus one normal skill given to any player.
Then you will be allowed your choice of giving 2 players each a normal skill or one player a doubles roll skill or mutation after rounds 1 and 3. After round 2, you will be allowed to give one player a normal skill. Note: Bull Centaurs and Mummies count as only having Strength Skill access during this tournament.

A player may not be given more than one new skill/trait during the entire tournament. All casualties that have been inflicted on your team, including death, are wiped away at the end of the game. In other words the team resets after every game. Skills accrued through the tournament will not be lost, even if the player dies. Note: Apothecaries are still useful for bringing back injured players during the game.

Dice: Before each game you and your opponent both agree to use ONLY ONE SET of dice for the entire game, the other player puts his dice away where they cannot be used. If you cannot agree on the dice to be used, a referee will decide by rolling for it. If you are superstitious about people touching your lucky dice, we would like to suggest that you bring a different set of dice to the tournament that you don't care if other people touch as this rule will be enforced.

Star Players: None

Wizards: None
Halfling Chef: OK but no extra ingredients.
Raise Dead: OK but only helps in the same game.

Miniatures: You will be allowed to use non-GW miniatures. HOWEVER, the figures MUST be READILY identifiable as their positions as determined by the head referee or assistants. All miniatures must be numbered clearly and visibly. Coaching staff minis must be present in order to use, including the Head Coach ability (argue the call). Also mutations, if you plan on having them on your team, you MUST have a figure that clearly shows the mutation to take it. You cannot give Claw to a Skaven Storm Blitzer if you don't have a football geared ratman with a Claw for a hand.

Painting: Not required but is worth points towards the overall and as a tie breaker in standings. All or none: All models present must be complete or no points will be awarded.
+2 Three colors minimum
+2 Detail work
+2 Based
+2 Well represented (all positions and races are easily distinguishable)
+4 Bonus if all the above is met
+4 Bonus for receiving the Best Team Award

Sportsmanship: Since good sportsmanship should be the norm, but not always is. At the end of the tournament vote yes or no for sporting players and also cast a vote for one of your opponents for Best Sportsman of the tournament.
+0 points for poor or bad sportsmanship (argued rules, not polite etc., would prefer not play again)
+2 points for good sportsmanship (good opponent, nice and polite, fun to play against)
+1 point for each Best Sportsman vote received

Win 4, tie 2, loss 0
+1 per TD scored (max 3)
+1 per Casualty caused (max 5)
FOR ALL YOU EVIL GITS OUT THERE: For this tournament fouls count for casualties.

Prizes: Will be awarded for Overall, 1st, 2nd, Best Team, Most Casualties, and Best Sportsman. Prize list so far is a 1st edition Blood Bowl box set, and Gift certificates.
1st and 2nd: Decided by the final game between the 2 best teams (total game points) after round 3.
Best Team: Includes painting, conversions and overall appearance/unity. Decided by a majority vote from coaches and referees/judges.
Most Casualties: Self explanatory
Best Sportsman: Self explanatory
Overall: The combined total of game points, painting, and sportsmanship.

Games: Due to time constraints, there will be a two hour time limit strictly enforced and there will be no overtime periods whatsoever.

Time Schedule:
9:00-9:30am registration/setup
9:30-11:30pm Game One
12:00-2:00pm Game Two
3:15-5:15pm Game Three
5:45-7:45pm Game Four
7:45-8:30pm Wrap up and Prizes Awarded

All judges decisions are final, rules and schedule are subject to minor changes.

What to bring:
Your Team, Dice, Board and Templates (contact me if there are problems with this issue), Two copies of your roster, Copy of the rules and money for the parking meters.

Not a NAF member? Want to be?
Free Block Dice with Membership

Brought to you by Mike & Rachel Green, Merlyn???s (John Waite)
Contact Info:
Mike Green
Home phone (days) 509-468-0382
Merlyn???s (I work there, eves) 509-624-0957 website
Shadewe - Jan 25, 2005 - 05:28 PM
Post subject:
I will be there. Going to try and get more from my area to come this time Smile
fe2mike - Mar 29, 2005 - 10:23 AM
Post subject:
Well, we got some interest from Vancouver BC as well.
Also Ive added a copy of my rules sheet/summary as a freebie to all that attend
Still haven't heard anything about Steve though. Hope he can make it again this tome as well.
snew - Mar 30, 2005 - 02:38 PM
Post subject:
You should all go. I won't be there to humiliate you this time.
fe2mike - Mar 31, 2005 - 01:17 PM
Post subject:
So Far we have
Scott E.
Josh H.
Adam L.
Roy E.
Geoff B.
Dana O.
Kris C.

2 more on 04-05-05
snew - Mar 31, 2005 - 05:37 PM
Post subject:
Where is Henry and Dana? What about Daisy Dog? I'm glad to see evilbutgood playing again. I'm 1-1 against her. She beat me in Lakewood but I made it up to here in FL. Wink
fe2mike - Mar 31, 2005 - 06:29 PM
Post subject:
Dana said that he should make it, but I haven't seen Henry in over a month.
fe2mike - Apr 01, 2005 - 05:27 PM
Post subject:
Added two more.
fe2mike - Apr 05, 2005 - 09:51 PM
Post subject:
Dana is now in but Henry is currently in Pennsylvania and isn't sure if he'll be back for the tourney or not, but if he's back he's in.
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