NAF World Headquarters

North America - Carnage in the Capital: Ottawa, Canada, May 20-22

garth - Feb 01, 2005 - 09:04 PM
Post subject: Carnage in the Capital: Ottawa, Canada, May 20-22
After a seven year absence, Blood Bowl is returning to Cangames, Ottawa's premiere gaming convention held since 1977.

Some key tournamnent details:

Trophy Because the tournament is being run at a convention (and is a 'new' game this year), it will be a bit smaller than many other tournaments. You will play in one of three pools of four coaches, and play two games. The winner of each pool (and a 'wild card' team) will play in the finals.

Trophy Ranking in the pool will be according to: 1) points (3 points for a win; 1 point for a tie; 1 point for a loss by 1 TD ("keeping it close"); 0 for a loss); 2) head-to-head result; 3) best TD for-against ratio; 4) most casualties; 5) die roll (as a last resort!)

Trophy Rules: LRB 4.0; no star players, wizards, or secret weapons.

Trophy This is NOT a reset-tournament! (Yes, you heard that right!) It is a league-style tourney where there is *some* team management between games. There are also rules that will help teams still be competitive if they get descimated after any game!


For more detailed information and rules, please visit the tournament web site at

If anyone has any comments or suggestions, I would love to hear them. Reply a post, PM me, or e-mail me at


For information on Cangames (including schedule and costs), or for direction and accommodation information, please visit the Cangames web site at
Melifaxis - Feb 02, 2005 - 08:00 AM
Post subject:
Now if we could just get the Senators back on the ice and with paychecks that didnt bounce...
Paul - Apr 09, 2005 - 11:33 PM
Post subject:
I guess this is a start - hopefully I could make the trip up to Ottawa for this, but it could be tough to pull off Sad
garth - May 22, 2005 - 02:51 AM
Post subject:
So far, Paul has won in each of the three pools with three different teams. Sigh. Tomorrow is the final. Guess who is in the top spot?
Paul - May 23, 2005 - 11:44 AM
Post subject:
Thanks for the fun weekend Garth, I can't wait to come back again next year.
garth - May 23, 2005 - 03:10 PM
Post subject:
I think Paul is just saying that since he won with such ease...!


Paul's Dwarfs (Barrett's Privateers) beat a rookie Human team 3-1 (with a 3-0 cas count). His semi-final was also 3-1 (2-0 cas) against CoachLazyEye, the only other NAF representative (other than me, who had to play a game due to a cancellation). Congrats Paul!!

Hey, how about more NAF players next year...?
CyberHare - May 24, 2005 - 01:06 PM
Post subject:
Garth you did a teriffic thing running that tournament on the weekend. I was quite surprised to find out that a couple of the people playing had never played before. Anything that's don't to get the game out there is a good thing. Great work on the tourney.
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