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Strategy and Tactics - Human team for T120 Tournament

Spazzfist - Feb 03, 2005 - 07:55 PM
Post subject: Human team for T120 Tournament
I am attending the Canadian Open which is a T120 tournament (120,000 gp to spend on starting team) with the following upgrades allowable:

regular skills @30,000
"doubles" skills @ 50,000
AG, MA @80,000
ST @100,000

I was thinking of going with the follwing team:

4 x Blitzers - 360,000
1 blitzer w. might blow - 30,000
4 x linemen - 200,000
3 w. block - 90,000
2 x thrower - 140,000
2 x catcher - 140,000
1 x block - 30,000

3 x reroll - 150,000
1 x apothecary - 50,000
1 x FF - 10,000

I figure the three linemen w. bock would be on the line. The other in reserve.

Block would be the next skill for the other catcher and then DP for a lineman. Other than that I will play it by ear!

Doubleskulls - Feb 03, 2005 - 09:33 PM
Post subject:
What's the rules after the start? One skill per game, normal progression?

TBH I think your 90k on line men could be better spent. Take one kick and one dirty player...

Also I'd not start with mighty blow pn a blitzer. Guard, Strip Ball or tackle are more use IMO.

I'd be very tempted to start with an Ogre - and think hard about giving him Block, Pro or Guard.
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