NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - reroll on the squirm free roll?

Sputnik - Feb 10, 2005 - 05:26 AM
Post subject: reroll on the squirm free roll?
I need a second opinion on this issue after having a discussion last night:

a troll tried to throw a gobbo but failed the always hungry roll. The troll used pro but failed this one as well. So another roll was made to see whether the gobbo was suceessfully eaten, and it was a 1 again. Laughing

Now, Can the gobbo use a team rr or his pro skill for the last roll? Shocked

And it was an AG4/block/sprint gobbo Wink

dwarfcoach - Feb 10, 2005 - 05:36 AM
Post subject:
The 1 is to find out if he is dropped or eaten. However the rules do say that team re-rolls were meant to represent team training and it is very difficult to come up with fluff to say why the re-roll could be used.

However, after pondering I suppose that technically you could use a team re-roll... Confused

(good for the little gobbo though Wink )
Tojurub - Feb 10, 2005 - 05:47 AM
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I would say he can use a re-roll.....I mean the little bugger can actually practise the squirming-free during team training...I mean they all know that a troll is really hungry and it should be part of their training exercise to squirm free.
Tim - Feb 10, 2005 - 06:07 AM
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I'd say yes to the RR as well.
Sputnik - Feb 10, 2005 - 06:26 AM
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What about the troll then? Assuming he didn't use his pro skill on the first always hungry roll; can the troll use his skill for the second roll? Shocked

dwarfcoach - Feb 10, 2005 - 06:27 AM
Post subject:
Yes Confused . Letter of the law defeating the spirit of the law, but yes.
Mordredd - Feb 10, 2005 - 06:43 AM
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Who's making the squirm free roll though? If it is the Troll then you can't use the team re roll, and if it's the Goblin then you can't use the Trolls pro skill.

"Roll the D6 again, a second 1 means that he successfully scoffs the other player down, with obviously fatal results for the latter."

Reading the text of always hungry again I think that it is the Troll making the roll, as the text refers to rolling to successfully scoff the Goblin rather than the Goblin rolling to escape.
Sputnik - Feb 10, 2005 - 06:49 AM
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Who's making the squirm free roll though?

The coach of the troll and goblin? Wink

I seriously doubt that both players can use a skill for one and the same dice roll though. Confused

Which leaves us with the question: to rr or not to rr? Idea

dwarfcoach - Feb 10, 2005 - 06:55 AM
Post subject:
I'm inclined to agree with Mordredd, the dice rolls that take place as part of the Trolls action definately belong to the Troll. Unfortunatly that would mean that you could use a team re-roll as it is a seperate roll from the initial roll that was pro'd.
Spazzfist - Feb 10, 2005 - 07:10 AM
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      dwarfcoach wrote:
Unfortunatly that would mean that you could use a team re-roll as it is a seperate roll from the initial roll that was pro'd.

Actually you couldn't as trolls (as all big guys) cannot use Team Rerolls.

Narkotic - Feb 10, 2005 - 08:08 AM
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hmm, always thought that the Goblin is doing the squirming roll to see if he can escapes the grip, in which case you can use a TRR or Goblins Pro Skill. But reading the text as Mordredd pointed out it seems that the Troll is doing the second roll (squirming) as well, in which case you can't use a TRR but the Trolls Pro if it hasn't been used in that turn.

What is odd is that the text says that the Troll is doing a squirming roll but the action is a success (eating the Gobo) when you fail the roll (roling a 1), which is against all dice logic present in BB. So you could argue it's a typo/bad wording (nothing new btw) and actually it's the goblin who is doing the roll and a failure (failing that 2+ squirm free roll) results in his death following common sense.
dwarfcoach - Feb 10, 2005 - 08:29 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:

Actually you couldn't as trolls (as all big guys) cannot use Team Rerolls.

Denfinately, I think your right there. Smile

Sorry mate, looks like the Gobbos a gonner Pow .
Doubleskulls - Feb 10, 2005 - 06:56 PM
Post subject:
"Should the player ever use the Throw Team-Mate trait, roll a D6 after he picks up the player to be thrown, but before he throws them. On a roll of 1 he attempts to eat the unfortunate player! Roll the D6 again, a second 1 means that he successfully scoffs the other player down, with obviously fatal results for the latter"

The second roll is to determine if the Troll "successfully scoffs" the goblin - so its definately the troll rolling. So Pro would be okay, and TRR not - because of Big Guy.
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