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Strategy and Tactics - My new Necromantic team roster

Anacron - Feb 13, 2005 - 11:28 AM
Post subject: My new Necromantic team roster
I've only ever played 2 games of Blood Bowl, and then decided to join up here. So, hello everybody!

Anyway, after getting thoroughly engrossed in this game after only 2 games with Wood Elves (both were disastrous losses, and I had way too many elves in the "dead & injured" box at the end of the game), I decided I need a team that could at least attempt the "smack other team into the ground" tactic.

So I ordered a Necromantic team - with Flesh Golems and Wights, these guys can deal out some punishment. And with a Werewolf and Ghouls, we can still play the passing game if necessary.

These guys just arrived this morning, with a free bonus zombie in the box too, which was nice. Here's the tentative team roster, which should hopefully see it's first game on Tuesday. As yet it's just a team for one-off games, I'll see how it plays and then possibly change it (or not) for an upcoming short league - this league as practice for a tournament in April.

2 Flesh Golems
2 Wights
1 Werewolf
2 Ghouls
5 Zombies

2x Re-rolls
3x Fan Factor


So, how does that sound? Any tips for effective play?
Spazzfist - Feb 13, 2005 - 12:21 PM
Post subject:
First piece of advice is to check ou the library of articels at the website - they have lots of articles on how to build the teams - sometimes they are old, but the basic ideas are still valid.

As for this team, I wil leave it to others to give their more educated opinions, but from what I have heard, people would rather go with more werewolves than ghouls or golems.

Finally, be aware that league and tournament play are very different! Fan factor is far more important in a league than in a one off or tourney game - so be aware of that!

Good luck to you and welcome to the community!

Doubleskulls - Feb 13, 2005 - 03:16 PM
Post subject:
Actually one of the best resources for team building etc is

Most teams have at least one starting roster - and good general guidelines for all teams too.

Anacron, as a newbie I'd strongly recommend playing with Humans or Orcs first to get a good grasp of the basics of the game.

Anyway, for a one off game forget fan factor entirely. Take the minimum of 1, and only more if you really can't think of anything better to spend it on. For necros I'd take both werewolves. Flesh Golems are very important for the long run, but early on you don't really need them and they are very expensive too.

Also you have very little ball handling, so I'd really want to squeeze in the 3rd reroll. That will mean dropping a wight or ghoul.
Gertwise - Feb 13, 2005 - 05:06 PM
Post subject:
If you are playing a short league, then I would take the wolves, if you are playing longer, like around 12 games or so, then I would start out with the golems. Wolves get SPP like nobody's business.

As far as strategy, on offense, just remember you only have to get 3 spaces in on your opponents side with the wolves to score. 4 is better and that's about how far a golem moves.

On defense, I like having the wolves hang back and blitz whatever comes through and send the ghouls and wights into their backfield.

Above all else, try not to leave the wolves in TZ's at the end of your turn.
Anacron - Feb 13, 2005 - 05:37 PM
Post subject:
The main reason I only included one Werewolf on the roster is that, er, I only have one Werewolf. Confused If I did get another one I'd probably be rid of both Ghouls and add a 6th Zombie. Possibly.

The trouble with more re-rolls is that they're so damn expensive for Necromantic teams. I'd most likely have to sacrifice the 12th player to get it. I'd ideally like to keep that 12th player, after seeing my luck with injury rolls. Rolling Eyes
Anacron - Feb 16, 2005 - 05:20 AM
Post subject:
Well, the first game was a 1-0 victory against Chaos Dwarfs.

After a scoreless first half, where luckily I managed to KO his single Centaur quite early on, and the ball kept changing hands and being run through gaps, only to see the carrier ganged up on and beaten up, the second half was better.

I managed to kill one of his hobgoblins, and thus gain a 13th player for free, which was nice. The werewolf pounced on the scattered ball and legged it for the EZ, only to get jumped on by the revived Bull Centaur - luckily a ghoul was standing by to pick up the scattered ball and score!

The Flesh Golems were really good, causing immense problems and knocking opponents down left right & centre. I like these guys. The ghouls didn't really pull their weight at all, so I'm thinking about exchanging them both for another werewolf and another zombie.

But overall, a good start for Kemmler's Krew. Smile
arcane257 - Mar 19, 2005 - 09:54 AM
Post subject:
You may want to give the ghouls a chance. They are really importain for a necro team. With one skill they become blodgers really helpfull early on. Also dont forget that they get general and agility skills on 3ag and 7 movement. I would keep him around for a while untill and then make up your mind.

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