NAF World Headquarters

General - What will happen to the undead rankings in October??

Sputnik - Mar 12, 2003 - 12:33 AM
Post subject: What will happen to the undead rankings in October??
Well, the title says it all.

Since J.J. more or less confirmed that the undead will be replaced in October...

-will the undead rankings be excised totally and deleted??

-will they stay as a fixed list but not be in the overall ranking anymore?

-will they stay in the overall rankings as they are now?

Indigo - Mar 12, 2003 - 07:43 AM
Post subject:
Unofficially, as in this isn't the voice of the NAF, I think they'll probably stay on for at least another year or two. I still think it's unlikely that the undead will be removed fully until all the new vampire/necro etc. teams are finished with the new models released. Until they are upgraded from experimental status then the Undead is the official one.

After the undead are phased out, it still might be the case that they are left in - perhaps the NAF will recognise the fact that opinions on the Undead split are divided 50/50 into each camp and will maintain an umbrella Undead ranking after they are dropped for the NAF tournaments that don't use the new ones?
skummy - Mar 12, 2003 - 08:47 AM
Post subject:
I've heard some BRRC members say that the undead will stick around for a while. Babs was farily vocal about it on this thread.
Doubleskulls - Mar 12, 2003 - 10:04 AM
Post subject:
Reading that thread Babs was saying that in his tourneys undead will continue to be allowed even if they are no longer official. I can see quite a few tourneys doing this - Undead were official and a well balanced team. Why exclude them just because GW want to sell more minis?
Deathwing - Mar 12, 2003 - 10:23 AM
Post subject:
Stolen shamelessly from TBB, and posted last October:
      neoliminal wrote:
      cidervampire wrote:
What will happen if/when the undead team is replaced with Necro and Khemri teams. Will I be able to transfer by undead rating to one of these?
If I play games using Khemri or Necro teams before they become official can I use the results towards my NAF Undead rating. Just wanting to clear this up before the situation comes up



Only official teams are tracked. Right now the only official undead team is the Undead team. If that team is ever retired from the rolls, then so would your CR for that team. Khemri and Necro teams are different rosters and so would have different CR's associated with them.

You could, for example, be a great Undead coach, but not be very good at Khemri (or vice-versa).

So the rule is very simple. If the team is official, then we track CR for it. If it's not official we don't.

Personal opinion: I guess there's a case for leaving the existing Undead rankings in place in the overall list (maybe for a certain period of time?) but do we really want unchangable rankings contained in the overall list a couple of years down the line? Certainly we should preserve the existing Undead rankings for the history books, but personally I'm not sure that tracking unofficial teams (for whatever reason) is a road we should be going down.
Look at it this way, if and when they become unofficial and we cease tracking them, your existing Undead rank could be set in stone. Forever. Wink
Babs - Mar 20, 2003 - 04:48 AM
Post subject:
Hey - can I quote myself??? Smile

Seriously, As long as there are Undead teams playing in tournaments which are NAF, then the rankings for those teams will continue to be a part of the NAF ranking system.

Besides all that, I think it most unlikely that the Undead will be 'revoked' come October. Some serious playtesting and revision needs to happen to the 'experimental' khemri, necromantic and vamipiric teams before any of those will become official.
skummy - Mar 20, 2003 - 06:58 AM
Post subject:

Babs: Hey - can I quote myself???

Please, don't let me stop you... Wink
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