NAF World Headquarters

Europe - Looking at running a BB tournament - any advice?

Dysartes - Apr 18, 2005 - 09:00 AM
Post subject: Looking at running a BB tournament - any advice?
OK, while the thread title may have given away what I'm after, here's the deal.

Some of you may have head of my website, some of you might not have. Either way, I'm looking into running a Blood Bowl tournament, preferably NFA-approved (or whatever the correct term is) towards the end of October, at the new Sheffield Gaming Centre. Not certain what the interest level would be, but I'd imagine 10 -16 (at most), given the number of BB players I'm aware of in the local area. Now, I've reviewed th Albion Club Challenge 2k5 rules, and it looks like 2 hours for a game is the accepted amount; if so, even with the 10am to 10pm opening times, I doubt we'd fit more than 3 games in the day.

Has anyone (preferably with BB Tournament-Running experience) got any suggestions on what I can do to make it run smoothly, and/or attract attention?

Doubleskulls - Apr 18, 2005 - 05:36 PM
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There is Babs' article on the GW website that's worth having a look at.
Dysartes - May 10, 2005 - 04:32 AM
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Well, the date for the event is a little later than I was after, but we'll now be running it on Saturday December 3rd 2005.

Once I've got some idea of NAF standards for tournaments, I'll start advertising. As a general thing, however, who is likely to want to attend?

The event should have 4 games over the course of the day, with the first game kicking off at 11am, and the awards ceremony starting at 9:15pm.
Levinas - May 11, 2005 - 06:22 AM
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There's a reasonable group of us in Manchester who might well come over for the day (about 10 of us) - I'll put the word out although it's a bit far off to be sure at the moment.

We recently ran a one day tournament with 4 games which went pretty well. My tip - ask people for prizes - they often say yes - and keep the price reasonably cheap.

Good luck and I hope I'll be able to make it over.
Indigo - May 11, 2005 - 07:00 AM
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Contact Fanatic and show them what you are doing, expected numbers etc. and ask for sponsorship - the more you can show to them that you are serious about this the more chance you have of getting prizes. Also, make sure you keep advertising lots on here and TBB. If you go to other events make sure you take posters along etc.

To get it NAF sanctioned make sure you've submitted it as a tournament (using the tourneys link above) and send me a copy of your rules pack for the thumbs up (PM me for my email)

Make sure your budget is reasonable too, and add in at least £100 excess to cover inevitable things you forget about!

Check out the "How to Run A Tournament" article here on the NAF site in the downloads section too.
Al_the_Trowel - May 11, 2005 - 08:04 AM
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My advice is check your budget. Calculate how much you think will spend add on extra for contigencies (think of a number and double it!) Price your tickets based on the budget. And then check the figures again.

Also build in a break even point. If you have space for 50 coaches make a pessimistic estimate that you will only sell 35 tickets. You will lose cash if you don't reach your break even point and I mean that as in you personally as the tournament organiser is the one who carries the financial risk. So don't cost things needing to have all tickets sold.
Indigo - May 11, 2005 - 08:11 AM
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I'd lower your break even point more - the tourney calendar is busy now so I'd think getting 20 would be good going. Most BB coaches are in the south...
Al_the_Trowel - May 11, 2005 - 09:04 AM
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That's a fair point I only used 50 and 35 as an example not necessarily the numbers that you should work with, they are dependent on lots of factors - location, how busy the tourney calendar is at that time, the size of the local/regional community etc.
Dysartes - May 12, 2005 - 03:26 AM
Post subject:
The fact that I don't have to (currently) pay for the venue is a big bonus, as it means we're saving on the biggest cost straightaway. I've emailled jervis telling him about the event, and he said they'd send prizes for first place (as it be a joint BB/Necro event, it'd be 1st for each).

If we cater on the day (which we probably will do), tickets should be about £10.
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