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Strategy and Tactics - Tourney Rotters

Spazzfist - Apr 25, 2005 - 06:37 AM
Post subject: Tourney Rotters
Just wanted to start a discussion on what the relative strengths and weaknesses are for Nurgle's Rotters in a tourney (or maybe league)situation.

Any advice for strategies?

For the team I was looking at:

8 x beastmen
2 x rotter
1 x beast of Nurgle
2 x reroll
4 x FF


Chunky - Apr 25, 2005 - 04:11 PM
Post subject:
Depends on the rules of course - you know about their durability issues.

I found the main thing was to use the Beast wisely. Stick him to a couple of ST3 players, and that will give you a numerical advantage elsewhere (assuming those durability issues haven't reared their ugly head already. If the Beast is already in a good position, don't risk losing it on Really Stupid by trying to Block.

You'd really want another reroll in there IMO - with no Bloack and no ball handling skills you're going to need them.

Foul on T16 with the Beast - it is about the only way you'll get free Rotters if you use the Beast in this way - again, this assumes your team can actually grow in the tourney.
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