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Strategy and Tactics - Orcs vs Dwarves

SunDancer - Mar 12, 2003 - 09:05 AM
Post subject: Orcs vs Dwarves
Ok, It seems that my next match will be against a team of dwarves with

- 7 Linemen
- 2 Runners
- 2 Blitzers
- 2 Troll Slayers

My team:

- 2 Black Orc Blocker
- 3 Blitzer
- 6 Linemen
- 3 Gobbos
- 1 Thrower

It's the last game in a league and it fighting over who will be last... I don't really care if I win or not I just want do kill a many dwarves as possible. [That'll get me an extra award! *g*] Who should I try and kill first?

Or is there someone who _really_ thinks that I could win? ;)

[The league is to be found at and it's the Rioting, Green and Mean Wussyeaters (me) against BGM Felsenfresser (da otha one)]

skummy - Mar 12, 2003 - 09:32 AM
Post subject:
If you're hellbent on this strategy, foul his AG 3 players with your Dirty Player. (assuming you have one) If you're able to whittle Dwarves down to two players on the pitch with 3 AG, things get a whole lot easier.
SunDancer - Mar 12, 2003 - 10:36 AM
Post subject:
      skummy wrote:
If you're hellbent on this strategy, foul his AG 3 players with your Dirty Player. (assuming you have one) If you're able to whittle Dwarves down to two players on the pitch with 3 AG, things get a whole lot easier.

I don't have a Dirty Player [yet]. Why is it so importend to get rid of the AG3 first? [Yes, I'm relatively new to BB *g*]
skummy - Mar 12, 2003 - 01:37 PM
Post subject:
Dwarf teams are unusual in Blood Bowl because they have an unusually low number of players with 3 agility. Only 4 players on the team are reliably able to pick up the ball and threaten a score.

As a result of this, you can often stall out a Dwarven offence if you can take them off the pitch. With fewer scoring threats, you can put players in their way. Dwarves don't have the movement to get around your defence while staying caged, so you can string them out and hit the ballcarrier.
Krag_Ironwood - Mar 16, 2003 - 05:09 AM
Post subject:
Being a Dwarven coach I can say that the main weakness of a Dwarf team is their low movement. if I was ever to fight them I would personally try and cripple the runners first and then the blitzers purely because they are my highest MA team members with a runner's MA of 6, Blitzer's MA of 5. Both of them have AG 3 however the runner has more chance of getting the ball with sure hands skill. He also has the weaker armour with it being 8 instead of 9.
Squiggoth - Apr 02, 2003 - 05:46 AM
Post subject:
Against Dwarfs it's all about fouling. And change 2 blitzers into an Ogre and a 4th Goblin! 4 Goblins can foul the pants of anybody and the Ogre's Mighty Blow is very handy for squatting any Dwarf within reach. 3 blitzers is just plain useless. Furthermore, get the runners first! They're annoying. Troll Slayers can be dealt with by any Line-Orc, just keep your Ogre out of their reach.
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