NAF World Headquarters

Europe - The Spiky Club Open 2005, still places left

Ace2k00 - May 09, 2005 - 09:43 AM
Post subject: The Spiky Club Open 2005, still places left
Hi Guys, this post is to let you know that on the 15th and 16th of october 2005 the spiky club brings to you the spiky club open...

the format is as follows...

1.) 1100,000 starting teams with one skill selected before the event
2.) swiss style scoring system with the final 4 playing off for the cup at the end of round 4.
3.) 2 tropies... Spiky League cup (best of the rest).... and Spiky Open Cup + prizes for all 3 runner ups.
4.) 2 meals 1 sat and 1 sunday

If you want to attend the event please mail me at the following address

Wait for a reply

then send me a cheque with a booking form which is avalible at


Dave Palmer

Paid/ or have made arrangements

Christopher Schmitt
Chris Blair
Dave Palmer
Evil Git
Tom Routh
Geoff Porritt
Craig Andrews
Sean Hassey
Ivan Djokic
steven bindon
Aron Isom
Anthony Dawson
Joe Hainstock
Mike Parker

Need Payment/ Contact me...

Dave Downes
Gavin Miles
Ben Paterson
Ben Trayhorn
Gary lewis
Max Horseman
Loony Toadquack
Gavin Mile Party
Gavin Mile Party
Gavin Mile Party
Rob Uter
Dennis Hallehan
Garry Cummins
James o'dwyer
Adam Palmer
Ryan Talbot (Ronnie4655)
Anthony Lown (Lowney)
Dan Burton (New Player but trying to make NAF soon)
Richard Hancocks (Rich0242
Lycos - May 16, 2005 - 03:09 PM
Post subject:
Email sent Dave. Look forward to it.
Valen - May 17, 2005 - 12:24 AM
Post subject:
Mail sent mate
Indigo - May 17, 2005 - 01:48 AM
Post subject:
I'm coming too. With Ogres, probably.
Ace2k00 - Sep 01, 2005 - 04:47 PM
Post subject:
Hi Guys

Please remeber that the cut off date is september the 29th. if you are unable to get me a cheque before this date please let me know and we can sort thing out..


Ronnie - Sep 02, 2005 - 06:49 PM
Post subject:
Are Apothecarys allowed this time Ace or is it just im going blind or something Laughing
Ace2k00 - Sep 04, 2005 - 03:25 PM
Post subject:
yeah appoths are alowed this year, the wizards were feeling sorry for the haflings and the
Lycos - Sep 27, 2005 - 08:50 AM
Post subject:
Dave- you mentioned above that a skill is selected before game 1 but in the rules pack following the links above it says after each game.

which one is it? Laughing Is it after each game or do we get a skill choice before the event starts? And I assume that can be Guard or break tackle on a big guy?
Hangus - Sep 30, 2005 - 06:55 AM
Post subject:
Payment was sent earlier this week so you should have it very soon
dwarfcoach - Oct 10, 2005 - 04:41 PM
Post subject:
Well it's this weekend and I can't wait!!!

For those who are arriving on the Friday I will be in the TGI Fridays (I think that's the correct 3 letters anyway) from about 6.30pm - 7pm for beers, beers and possibly some food... Wink
All times are
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