NAF World Headquarters

Painting - Raw Messiah (pics of my plastic Human Team).

RawMessiah - Jun 06, 2005 - 01:01 AM
Post subject: Raw Messiah (pics of my plastic Human Team).
Here are some pictures of my newly finished Human Team - Raw Messiah.
I've converted them out of Cadian figures and I hope you like 'em (I hope the pictures are cmear enough).
*I've removed one shoulder pad from the Catchers as you might have seen.

RawMessiah - Jun 06, 2005 - 01:02 AM
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Btw, the first 4 are Blitzers and the last 4 are Catchers.
Colin - Jun 06, 2005 - 03:41 PM
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You should paint the base rings to indicate the positions (from 2ed; blitzers-red, throwers-yellow, catchers-white), even if you don't want to paint the whole base ring, maybe think about painting the number on the basering in the specific colour to identify the position. Colour coding is really needed when you do conversions.
Spazzfist - Jun 06, 2005 - 07:40 PM
Post subject:
I definitely agree with Torg, I would never be able to remember who is who on the field! But I do like the conversions! Always good to see when people use non BB figs to make them into a team!

Chunky - Jun 06, 2005 - 08:03 PM
Post subject:
As long as you have numbers clearly visible front and back, and a reasonably common sense numbering system (eg Blitzers 1-4, Catchers 5-8, Throwers 9-10, Linos 11-16, Ogre 16), I don't reckon there is any need to colour code bases - I'd discourage it in fact, as it takes away from the look of the mini.
RawMessiah - Jun 07, 2005 - 02:05 AM
Post subject:
I agree with Chunky, I wpukdn't like it either if there are rings on the figures but that's a good idea though(!). But what I did with these figures..:

First of all my numbers are as:

First 11:

1-4 - BLitzers
5-8 - Linemen
9 - Thrower
10-11 - Catchers


12-13 - Linemen
14 - Thrower
15-16 - Catchers

Then to make it easier for me to know who is who I took the four legs from the Cadian box thath looked as if they were running and put those for the blitzers (you can see they have the same legs). I also made the blitzers look a little more as if they are running.
On the catchers I removed the right-side shoulder pad so they are easy to recognize on the field.
For the linemen, well, they all have kind of the same legs/position so they'll be easy to recognize.
The throwers were converted so that they look as if they are throwing the ball.

I was (first) going to use numbers on my figures but when I realised the Cadian box had WHITE numbers on the transfer sheet I had to make my own numbers - I needed BLACK ones. Smile So I decided to make Roman Numbers (I, II, III, IV, etc.) on their backs so unfortunately you cannot see the numbers on these pictures..

That's it. Smile
bareuf - Jun 07, 2005 - 04:57 AM
Post subject:
hi mate
i REALLY like the idea and the conversion, but I can't tell the difference between the two kinds of positional players, but the right shoulderplate

I'm just talking of aesthetic or charm, not that I couldn't tell the difference on the game board, so, as they're nice, I wouldn't go for a different base color, I'd try some improvement:

-big catching gloves
-a running/catching pose
RawMessiah - Jun 07, 2005 - 07:39 AM
Post subject:
      bareuf wrote:
hi mate
i REALLY like the idea and the conversion, but I can't tell the difference between the two kinds of positional players, but the right shoulderplate

I'm just talking of aesthetic or charm, not that I couldn't tell the difference on the game board, so, as they're nice, I wouldn't go for a different base color, I'd try some improvement:

-big catching gloves
-a running/catching pose
Yes I know that's a little problem but, like I mentioned, I tried to do a few things which would differ some players from the others, and I'm sure after a few gamez I will get used to 'em Smile
Chunky - Jun 07, 2005 - 07:45 AM
Post subject:
You might, but I believe the problem would be for your opponents. I hate transfers for numbers myself - I much prefer to handpaint em.

A black number on the right shoulderpad and maybe even the left breastplate would work a treat IMO, and not in any way compromise your colour scheme.
Spazzfist - Jun 07, 2005 - 09:50 AM
Post subject:
      Chunky wrote:
You might, but I believe the problem would be for your opponents.

And therein lies the problem. Your oppponents will curse you if you do not make a more clear system whereby they can clearly tell which player is which.

It really sucks when you think that you are declaring your blitz against a catcher or lineman, only to find out that it is in fact the tooled up blitzer!

If you are so adverse to the idea of the coloured rings on the base, then maybe you should make the positional players more distinct.

RawMessiah - Jun 08, 2005 - 01:10 AM
Post subject:
On the other hand if a player asks who is who (let us say, at Kick Off) then they should keep an eye on players. But Im sure my figures arent totally the same though Smile but I will see. I will plqy my first match today so I will see what it turns out like. Smile
RawMessiah - Jun 08, 2005 - 10:43 AM
Post subject:
My brother suggested to paint gloves on my Blitzers which I did qnd I must say, they look better plus they are easier to distinguish. What do you guyz think about them, let me know.

Spazzfist - Jun 08, 2005 - 11:52 AM
Post subject:
      RawMessiah wrote:
On the other hand if a player asks who is who (let us say, at Kick Off) then they should keep an eye on players. But Im sure my figures arent totally the same though Smile but I will see. I will plqy my first match today so I will see what it turns out like. Smile

Be serious! In the heat of the game players have trouble remembering to move the turn counter! There is no way I am going to have enough a photographic memory to remember who is who several turns in!

But the gloves are a step in the right direction! I would still try to make it clearer though.

Darkson - Jun 08, 2005 - 03:57 PM
Post subject:
Tbh, if I was to play against this team (which is nice, and "different") I'd insist (if it's enforced in your league) that the 4-min turnlimit was suspened, as I'd probably have to ask each turn who was who.

Seriously, I'd consider base rings, even if just as a "patch" to put the nummber on.
RawMessiah - Jun 08, 2005 - 04:14 PM
Post subject:
Yes, I will see what the reactions are (will be), then I¨ll see if anything more drastic has to be done.
Djengis_kahn - Jun 09, 2005 - 02:37 AM
Post subject:
the team looks very nice !
reasly like the team ! also the colours look cool !
though I'dd also concider using somekind of more differents.. becuase there are always some people who aren't interested in the minis of the game and soo they don't see little changes or differentses just becuase it isn't their interest and they don't paint. also in the heat of the game it is easy to forget it. maybe you could make a different colour on the blitzers like metalic used on them and on the others not?

look great though and I wouldn't mind playing against you! the gloves is a good idea!

nice work !!
RawMessiah - Jun 10, 2005 - 10:32 PM
Post subject:
Ok, I've played a few gamez and will change a few things:

>I will put a thingy on top of the Blitzers (like, how is it called, like soöe Orcz have on their heads), so they should look out of the rest.
>Then I will remove the other shoulder pad from the catchers so they won't have any shoulder pads.
>I will add balls to my throwers.

That should make them different, what do you guys think?
snew - Jun 10, 2005 - 11:07 PM
Post subject:
      RawMessiah wrote:

>I will add balls to my throwers.

Shocked Your greenstuff skills must be exquisite. I doubt those testicles will help differentiate them on the pitch though. Laughing
Spazzfist - Jun 11, 2005 - 09:33 PM
Post subject:
Laughing but there could be house rules that players with "dirty player" get +1 to injuries against these players!
RawMessiah - Jun 13, 2005 - 01:46 AM
Post subject:
      snotsngrots wrote:
      RawMessiah wrote:

>I will add balls to my throwers.

Shocked Your greenstuff skills must be exquisite. I doubt those testicles will help differentiate them on the pitch though. Laughing
but you don't know how big they'll be. Smile Wink
RawMessiah - Jun 13, 2005 - 01:48 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Laughing but there could be house rules that players with "dirty player" get +1 to injuries against these players!
..and to make it even, my Catchers could have +1 movement 'cos they'll be running without (almost) any armour Laughing Laughing
RawMessiah - Jun 17, 2005 - 12:54 AM
Post subject:
      snotsngrots wrote:
      RawMessiah wrote:

>I will add balls to my throwers.

Shocked Your greenstuff skills must be exquisite. I doubt those testicles will help differentiate them on the pitch though. Laughing
my team has got SOME balls Wink Smile
Musta_Surma - Jun 17, 2005 - 01:42 AM
Post subject:
I think that adding the ball"s" to you team would help a lot on the field.

Great painting and work with the figs.
RawMessiah - Jun 17, 2005 - 06:22 AM
Post subject:
      Musta_Surma wrote:
I think that adding the ball"s" to you team would help a lot on the field.

Great painting and work with the figs.
Thank you.
I've finished with the 'extra's', I'll try and take pictures for you (all) to see. Hopefully they (the figures) will differ enough from each other.
bareuf - Jul 05, 2005 - 07:09 AM
Post subject:
      RawMessiah wrote:
My brother suggested to paint gloves on my Blitzers which I did qnd I must say, they look better plus they are easier to distinguish. What do you guyz think about them, let me know.

nice idea
I like it
they're cooler and more distinguishable now

you still have to work on catchers and throwers
RawMessiah - Jul 05, 2005 - 07:39 AM
Post subject:
      bareuf wrote:
      RawMessiah wrote:
My brother suggested to paint gloves on my Blitzers which I did qnd I must say, they look better plus they are easier to distinguish. What do you guyz think about them, let me know.

nice idea
I like it
they're cooler and more distinguishable now

you still have to work on catchers and throwers
Hi, and thanks a lot!!

I have been a little late with the pictures I promised but they'll be here soon, promise! I have played a few games with my "new" team and so far, no nagging so they must differ from each other Smile
snew - Jul 05, 2005 - 07:51 AM
Post subject:
You really got that white looking smooth. It almost looks plastic, like the storm troopers in Star Wars. It's cool like that.
RawMessiah - Jul 06, 2005 - 11:48 AM
Post subject:
      snotsngrots wrote:
You really got that white looking smooth. It almost looks plastic, like the storm troopers in Star Wars. It's cool like that.
Thx! But the thing is, I put three FAT layers of White on 'em!! Smile I know that's NOT the way of painting but but..
majortusk - Jul 06, 2005 - 12:34 PM
Post subject:
here is a very small idea, maybe a single stripe on the helmet, like red for the blitzers and yellow for the catchers.

something like how they colorized the clone troopers in star wars to represent ranks
Melifaxis - Jul 06, 2005 - 02:08 PM
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It is important to note that this ranking system was only in use in Episode II. In Episode III color represented legion.

Very Happy

Darkson - Jul 06, 2005 - 02:30 PM
Post subject:
Geek! Wink

You do know that as a Geek you should be banned from somewhere else!Wink
Melifaxis - Jul 06, 2005 - 03:19 PM
Post subject:
I'm a dork, not a geek Very Happy
RawMessiah - Jul 07, 2005 - 07:23 AM
Post subject:
      majortusk wrote:
here is a very small idea, maybe a single stripe on the helmet, like red for the blitzers and yellow for the catchers.

something like how they colorized the clone troopers in star wars to represent ranks
In that case I would colour my Blitzerz RED(!!!) Smile The colour of Darth Vaders own private bodyguards(!). Smile Smile
RawMessiah - Jul 12, 2005 - 07:56 AM
Post subject:
Here are the pics (finally!). I hope you'll like them and please let me know what you THINK about them and/if they need a little more adjusting.




Big Guy:

Cheerleaders & Assisting Coaches:

snew - Jul 12, 2005 - 01:36 PM
Post subject:
Why did Vader need bodyguards? Wouldn't that just be like Kirk, Spock, Bones and Ens. Dweeble beaming down to the surface of the planet? You know only 3 guys are coming back. One guy wearing Black and 4 wearing red walk in and ony the guy wearing Black leaves? Hmmm.....

For some reason all I can see now is Steve Martin running around yelling, "He hates these CANS." Laughing
PhrollikK - Jul 13, 2005 - 05:58 AM
Post subject:
Wow! Those hair-thingies on the blitzers were a real improvement! Also the throwers having footballs in their hands really offsets them from the rest as being throwers. And that Morg N.Thorg really looks nasty, in a good way! Orc
RawMessiah - Jul 13, 2005 - 09:05 AM
Post subject:
TomorrowI'll have my first tournament game here. I hope I'll be flashing ON the pitch aswell as besides it(!) Smile if you know what I mean Smile
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