NAF World Headquarters

North America - Games Day 2005 Chicago - Naggaroth Cup - July 30

majortusk - Jun 29, 2005 - 01:02 PM
Post subject: Games Day 2005 Chicago - Naggaroth Cup - July 30
The First Blood Bowl tournament to be held at Games Day Chicago since the Chaos Cup 2003. The Naggaroth Cup will be a 3 game event on Saturday July 30th.

The Tournament is Entirely Free, just the cost of the Ticket to get into Gamesday - Chicago.

Prizes are being supplied by Games Workshop!! + Other awards!!

Click here for rules.
Click here to Sign Up.
Old_Man_Monkey - Jun 29, 2005 - 01:39 PM
Post subject:
Well done, Andy - while I think a one day is always hard to travel for, I congratulate you for taking the time to get the game in front of the GW mainstreamers - the more that see it, the more that will be interested....

Let me know how I can help...

jaylazer - Jun 30, 2005 - 06:30 AM
Post subject:
Hey Tusk,

Unfortunately, I wont be able to make the trip to Chicago for a 1 day tournament but I thought I'd mention something that we learned at the Baltimore Games Day.

There were a couple of people who might have played in the tournament if they just knew it was there. It might be worth having a Blood Bowl Banner of some kind you can setup over the table.

There were 2 walk-ups even without the Banner. So you might get more with one.

Hope that helps.

Good luck.
ggiersch - Jun 30, 2005 - 08:18 AM
Post subject:
A banner was mentioned after the first Games Day we ran an event at. Can NAF provide for one since we will alos be running the membership booth at the same area?
Deathwing - Jun 30, 2005 - 12:11 PM
Post subject:
I think a NAF banner would be a worthwhile investment. Can you get some costing done and talk to Jim re: financing?
Old_Man_Monkey - Jun 30, 2005 - 01:08 PM
Post subject:
I have offered to reimburse the costs for producing such in the past... Gregg, I think you can get the NAF artwork as a download here - then just take it to Kinkos or some such place - since you have done multiples of these, get some things that are big enough and that will last...
jaylazer - Jun 30, 2005 - 01:10 PM
Post subject:

If you get a banner done I'd love to hear how you went about it.
Melifaxis - Jun 30, 2005 - 03:17 PM
Post subject:
A quick google search will get you a bunch of options for banner creating companies Very Happy
majortusk - Jun 30, 2005 - 04:28 PM
Post subject:
I will get the banner done Smile in my own TUSK style Smile
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