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Converting - New Gnoll fantasy football team figs

GalakStarscraper - Mar 15, 2003 - 02:58 PM
Post subject: New Gnoll fantasy football team figs
Okay the scoop. Phil Bowen has finished his latest team in greens. The Gnoll team ... however he's not sure if they will sell and so they won't go to the castor until he's sure there is interest.

So visit:
Go to the News section and check them out ... if you like them and would order some ... drop him a line at:

and let him know that you are good for buying X many of them okay ... otherwise they'll never see metal.

Nukkel_Dragrrr - Mar 17, 2003 - 08:35 PM
Post subject:
Yep - Phil's stuff is great.

I'm in the process of finishing the paint on my Nipponese team.
I might grab the Valkarie -- I like the size of his figs in comparison to the dainty females in Shadowforge's line (although a few nuns were chunky enough to get a good paintjob).
If Phil doesn't cast the Gnolls, I guess I might have to fashion a Gnoll team out of the discontinued Chainmail figs sitting on my local store's discount table.
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