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Converting - Starting a Chaos Team

Nomadik - Jul 27, 2005 - 03:35 PM
Post subject: Starting a Chaos Team
Im new, just to start things off Smile

Well I've decided to start a Chaos team, and would like to get ahold of a few Beastmen from the Beast Herd Warhammer Box. But Im not sure how many one sprue component will make:

Will this sprue make five complete Beastmen(thats how many bodies I can see on the sprue)? I figure buying a sprue would be better than buying a box, since I dont think I'll need 20 Beastmen.

I already have a few figures for Chaos Warriors in mind:

Ulthalokh[Reaper Mini]

Talarand, Blackguard[Reaper Mini]

Anti Paladin[Reaper Mini]

And I thought I should throw in a classic Hero Quest Chaos Warrior for good measure.

Any other ideas to mix it up a bit?

Spazzfist - Jul 27, 2005 - 09:11 PM
Post subject:
To be honest I would be reluctant to use the Talarand, Blackguard and the anti-paladin models simply because they have shield attached to the models which definitely does not look very BB. Similarly the Heroquest warrior could be used, but it will be fiddly to get the axe out of his hand - might be best to cut it off altogether and do an arm swap.

As for the beastmen, I would think that your point is true about the need for torsos. Unless you are an old git like me who has been playing forever and has an insanely deep bits box - then you can swap torsos from other models - cause hey, they are chaos right?

StoutYoungblood - Jul 28, 2005 - 08:18 AM
Post subject:
I am currently working on a Beastman Chaos team. I bought the Beast Herd Warhammer Box. I thought using both Gors and Ungors would be cool for variations. Plus I will be bulking up 4 of the beastmen with Armor to become my Beastigors (instead of Warriors).

Yeah, I know they are no longer official but what the heck.

Skull Skull Skull Philip
PhrollikK - Jul 28, 2005 - 04:44 PM
Post subject:
Wow, those Reaper minis are hot! I own a Chaos team (original box with 3 chaos warriors and 8 beastmen). I actually converted a fourth CW from a Heroquest CW and the removal of the axe wasn't that hard to do. The model in itself isn't that detailed and if you carve the axe of with slightly dull knife (not a razor) then you could sculpt armour and the like there instead. You could always try and hide the axe arm with a mutation.

As for the beasties, just use the plastic box as they are just perfect for positioning all your beastmen differently in your squad and making them all unique. Plus you get loads of extras for mutations and other conversions (use Ungors for stunty beastmen for ex. Smile )
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