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Converting - Best way to weapon clip with limited skill

Khaine - Aug 12, 2005 - 10:21 PM
Post subject: Best way to weapon clip with limited skill
I am currently lookign at a reaper minotaur model to use as beastment in a Slaneeshi Based Chaos Team. The model is pushing it as far as size goes for coming in as a minotaur. It's about the size of a black orc blocker, but I think with the minotaur I chose <Which is about 15-20% larger then the citadel minotaur> I think it will look interesting if nothing else. It is wielding an axe surrently and normally I would use a nail clipper to remove it but whenever I do this it usually involves alot of filing to take off the ridge that is left. Does anyone have a better way to get rid of weapons then a clip?
Paul - Aug 13, 2005 - 12:31 PM
Post subject:
I ususaly just clip and file, and file and file and file.

I know you can get saws that will help abit. they are small and can give you more controll over where you are cutting than a knife/clippers etc. This option would still leave you with some filing.

Finally, the fastest way I've ever used was with a dremmil tool (or I suppose any sort of rotary tool with the right bit at the end) Its a lot faster, but you usually need a really steady hand. Its also a little more expensive if you don't have one, but definitly worth the investment if you do alot of conversions.
Khaine - Aug 13, 2005 - 07:04 PM
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Hmmm I like dremel, but how do you keep it from melting the mini? I'm just curious as I have an ultra high RPM dremel....
Paul - Aug 13, 2005 - 07:46 PM
Post subject:
Surprisngly, with a metal mini, it didn't really melt that much. If you used it on plastic (which i have) melting the mini is alot more of an issue.

The two things that I did when I used it was 1) Don't cut right down the line that you want to cut, give yourself some extra room in case you do get some melt. It really isn't that bad, and I find that you can use the dremil to file away large chunks that are left over.

The other thing is to go slowly, the mini (and the dremel) will get warm so let it cool down abit between cuts.

Its the easiest method that I've ever used to cut up a mini for conversions.

Oh, I guess I should mention that I use their "cut-off wheel" bits for cutting. The only problem is that they're pretty fragile and tend to break/wear down when using them with minis. The up-side though is they're pretty cheep to buy them on their own.
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 13, 2005 - 09:19 PM
Post subject:
It sounds like you may have already settled on the mini for your team, but I have an idea for you...the old WHFB Greater Deamon of Slanesh is awesone for this...definately in store for my future Slanesh Chaos weapons...minotaur type head...and it's even ready for mutations with four arms and claws. (Not to meantion the high-heeled leather boots and man/woman chest.) I love this mini!!!

There are other heads for this multi-part model...the one I have is a mino head. Smile
Khaine - Aug 13, 2005 - 10:10 PM
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I thought of that as well, but I REALLY like the look of the mini from reaper and truthfully I'm tired of feeding the GW machine. 8 bucks compared to what 50 for a demon now. Twisted Evil The decision to look for alternitives was originally motivated by monetary concerns, but now that I have found a few models to keep the prices down I'm full steam ahead. I think once this minotaur is done in suitable colors it will be a very interesting mini. I'm trying to decide on white fur/pale skin, or doing Black and dark skin to accentuate the pink armor and skin paint/tattoo's.
Justin_Kase - Sep 07, 2005 - 08:27 PM
Post subject:
Quick and easy - did this on my WGoA minis that all had weapons (swords & spears mostly) - use a pair of clipers, put the flat side as close to the 'hand' as you can, so the angled part of the cutters are pointed away from what you want to keep.

Then clip Smile

After that, file it down level to the hand. Next, use a pick (something pointy you can poke with) and poke a divet in the top of the hand where you would find the open space in a fist (go ahead, make a fist, see the shallow area on top).

Once you have that hole, use a pin vise drill and drill a shallow hole into the hand and then angle the drill a bit so you widden the hole in areas to make it less rounded.

Takes maybe 15 minutes. If you have some GS skills, you can then build the thumb back up a bit as well, or cut out larger areas to be rebuilt. I can take pics and post examples if you like. If I get really industrious, maybe a WIP Wink
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