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Strategy and Tactics - Advice needed for Tourney Rotters

Spazzfist - Aug 15, 2005 - 11:57 AM
Post subject: Advice needed for Tourney Rotters
Going to the Deathbowl with the Nurgle's Rotters! Orc

Here is the roster that I plan on using:

8 x beastmen
2 x rotters
1 x beast
2 x RR
4 x FF

Now at the Deathbowl, the Nurgle team will be allowed to take mutations as thought they were regular skills. Each team will be allowed to take two skills before the tourney beginning. Furthermore, there will be opportunities as well to double up skills after two of the games. So my quandry now is: what skills/mutations do I take for this team???

A consideration is the fact that there are plenty of dwarf and skaven teams playing. Aside from that there are everything from vampires to halflings as well. A real smorgasbord! But the fact that it is predominantly skaven and dwarf makes it difficult to focus skills in one direction!

Assuming I cannot take mutations for my first two picks, then the choices are easy - block for both Rotters. Then maybe later give one of them a claw.

But if I can take mutations then I was thinking big hand for one of the beastmen would be a good choice. But then am still thinking about the second skill. Maybe horns for the beast of Nurgle to give him the edge against other BGs?

I was also toying with the idea of liberally adding foul appearance amongst the beastmen, which may upset the opponents blocking game somewhat and really put a damper on their passing. Good against dwarves and skaven! Not to mention the fact that it really fits the theme of the team as well!

Xtreme - Aug 15, 2005 - 01:41 PM
Post subject:
Big Hand would be a must IMO.
Willi - Aug 16, 2005 - 04:43 AM
Post subject:
As I already wrote elsewere:

If mutations are allowed for the first choices how about Big Hand on the Beast? Could be good fun: Pick the ball up with one Beastman (probably Sure Hands) throw it to the Beast. Beast picks it up next turn Wink Wink and walks and maims through to the endzone.

Nobody would expect that tactic Wink and you would have a ST 5 ball carrier.
Same would of course be possible with a rotter and could be fun as well.

Good luck anyway.

P.S.: DonĀ“t worry about lost moves or blitzes with the really stupid beast, accept your fate and/or give the beast Pro next if possible.
Spazzfist - Aug 16, 2005 - 09:06 AM
Post subject:
That might work, however I am keeping my beast as a defensive player - not on the front line if you can believe it! With the S5 and tentacles he is perfect for tying up pesky gutter runners and wardancers who gets deep into my zone.

But even on the offense the beast is great for denying players moving into better positions to hit the ball carrier.

Besides, with all those dwarf teams, guard is inevitable and troll slayers with dauntless are aplenty.....

KarlLagerbottom - Aug 16, 2005 - 10:03 AM
Post subject:
How about Pass Rush on a Rotter? Squezes extra Movement out of the slow player, and will make it -2 of the throw or catch.

Just a thought.
Spazzfist - Aug 16, 2005 - 11:19 AM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
How about Pass Rush on a Rotter? Squezes extra Movement out of the slow player, and will make it -2 of the throw or catch.

I had thought of that - but given that my skills are few, I would tend to think that I would get more use out of block, claw or mighty blow.
Shepherd - Aug 16, 2005 - 12:19 PM
Post subject:
I hate to sound like an idjit, but... pass rush?
Melifaxis - Aug 16, 2005 - 12:19 PM
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Guard on the beast will keep him from being stupid as often as the guys next to him wont get knocked down as often. Plus you want to plow him into as many TZ's as you can (tentacles) to make it hard for folks to get away from him.

Big Hands on two rotters would be interesting...
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 16, 2005 - 12:27 PM
Post subject:
      Shepherd wrote:
I hate to sound like an idjit, but... pass rush?

Pass Block?
KarlLagerbottom - Aug 16, 2005 - 12:30 PM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
How about Pass Rush on a Rotter? Squezes extra Movement out of the slow player, and will make it -2 of the throw or catch.

I had thought of that - but given that my skills are few, I would tend to think that I would get more use out of block, claw or mighty blow.

Shutting down the passing least somewhat...will do you as much good against ag teams as Block. You'll have a STR advantage anyway against most of them. Plus think what that will do in the 7's and Death Bowl rounds. With the tighter field and mosh pit, you could have a big impact on those games.

P.S. Spazz...I might be seriously joining you on the Nurgle bringing them up has me excited about them again. Two sons of Papa Nurgle?
Spazzfist - Aug 16, 2005 - 12:37 PM
Post subject:
      KarlLagerbottom wrote:
P.S. Spazz...I might be seriously joining you on the Nurgle bringing them up has me excited about them again. Two sons of Papa Nurgle?

I don't know about sons... maybe more like distant cousins! Laughing

I guess we'll find out who ol' Grampa Nurgle loves best, then won't we? Orc

Spazzfist - Aug 19, 2005 - 11:55 AM
Post subject:
The format for the Deathbowl is that you get two skills before the tourney, and then one after each round. After the fifth round you get two skills and these can be doubled up.

So what I am thinking is as follows:

Pre - 2 x block for the rotters
Game 1 - big hand for a beastman
Game 2 - tackle for the babysitting beastman (guarding deep with the beast against wardancers and gutter runners)
Game 3 - stand firm for the beast (to avoid getting pushed off of the ball carrier, and out of TZs)
Game 4 - foul appearance for a beastman (because it fits the bill of the team and is also effective against bashy and fast teams)
Game 5 - mighty blow and claw for the rotters

It is a shame to have to wait for the claw and mighty blow until the end, as they are great for damaging teams and giving me the leg up, but I would not want to wait until the end of the tourney to get block for the heavies.

But the beast will not be in the BB7's round, should I hold off on his skills until afterwards??

Any thoughts on this?

Willi - Nov 25, 2005 - 08:52 AM
Post subject:
So, how did the tourny go for you and the rotters?
Spazzfist - Nov 25, 2005 - 12:46 PM
Post subject:
Quite well actually.

I won three, lost two and drews one. Some of the games had their fair share of luck, but overall I was very happy with them.

For the record I took the skills as mentioned on August 19th, but I took +1 AG in Game 2, because I rolled it and didn;t want to waste it. So tackle got pushed back a game, and stand frim was never selected. Otherwise it was good!

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