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Strategy and Tactics - Any tactical advice for a newbie High/Dark Elf coach

LineElf - Aug 27, 2005 - 09:26 AM
Post subject: Any tactical advice for a newbie High/Dark Elf coach
Ive just started playing bloodbowl with a group of friends and im getting thrashed. There's three of us playing with two teams each. It's an Elf league and my opponents are High Elves and Wood Elves.

I chose to play High Elves and Dark Elves because of their AG4 and AV8 and I love the models and have started to paint them so im sticking to them through thick and thin. Plus I like the idea of playing teams that represent opposite ends of the elf race.

After we finish the elf league we're going to start another league open to all teams and another of my friends is going to join and I know he's going to play Chaos and Norse. Even though a few tougher teams will be involved I'm still going to stick to the High/Dark Elves.

Any basic tips, hints and tactics so I can learn to be a Trophy will be most appreciated Worship
Ardendron - Aug 29, 2005 - 08:05 AM
Post subject:
You can take a loo at: or read some posts of

I must admit teh skill progession is a bit old fashiond because it belongs to an older version. Some newer tactics can be found here:

I hope this helps.....
Tojurub - Aug 29, 2005 - 10:32 AM
Post subject:
biggest thing for elves is: avoid 1s Wink
Rakarth - Sep 02, 2005 - 06:03 AM
Post subject:
The main 3 things I can say if you are just starting out (and I play with Dark Elves myself) are:
1. formation

Make sure you start with a good defensive formation. I use the following:

0=empty square
|=widezone lines


This formation allows for maximum tackle zones and minimal invasion of your half of the pitch, and one guaranteed player free to make a blitz if needed. Also, if anyone is punched on the scrimmage, then no more of your players can be caught by a follow up into a new tackel zone. The two together on the flanks makes it harder for your opponent to break down you flanks.

Get a good formation that works for you.

2.Secondly you want to constantly threaten the ball carrier and have a model in touchdown range, just incase you manage to steal the ball.

3.Lastly, always spread your guys out in a net out of enemy tackle zones, to force them to blitz you to try to get passed, and avoid being punched too much. and have a second layer of defence incase anyone gets through. I pretty much never get defeated and rarely acheive a draw. This works well for me.
AK_Dave - Dec 01, 2005 - 01:40 AM
Post subject:
Good formation, Rakarth. I look forward to using it this weekend with my DEs for a local tournament (unfortunately didn't get listed on NAF in time). This tourney is TR100 but doesn't require FF, so I plan to hit with 3 Blitzers and 1 Witch Elf. Using your suggested formation, that would put the Blitzers in the center and the WE in the backfield, since I never risk position players on the LOS as an elf (thats what lineelves are for!). Might take 1RR/Apoth instead of 2RR though.

What would you think about moving the middle row up a square, so that they're only one space back from the LOS instead of two? Bad idea for Humans, I know, since a block/push/followup can put an offensive lineman's TZ on the second rank. But elves don't fear TZs. Too much risk for not enough payoff?

I'll offer an alternate formation that I'm fond of against slow Strength teams, like Dwarfs or Chaos:


Purpose there is to clump my defensive lineelves on the LOS for protection because it seems to make it slightly trickier for an opponent to get 2D blocks on all of them. This usually pretty well ensures that half of my opponent's team is clumped to one side AND usually also means that one of the guys in the widezone is sucked into the scrum at the LOS. When a slow team starts building a cage to one side of the field it is usually a cakewalk to dance elves from the opposite flank around behind to form a loose cordon and start probing for holes.
CoffinDodger - Dec 16, 2005 - 02:32 AM
Post subject:
One problem with the clumped to the side defence is that an opposing coach needs only 4 players and a willingness to start with a 1d block (probably with a reroll) and then 2d blocks for materialise most of the time on the other 2 line-dudes.

My preferred defence is to spread 3 across the line, evenly and as wide as possible with another 3 players 2 squares behind them. The wide zones get covered by players level with the second central line, and have a player 2 squares behind them - this gives 2 solid lines to get through and a spare 11th player to guard the backfield / fill in a gap as necessary.


bareuf - Dec 28, 2005 - 07:11 AM
Post subject:
      AK_Dave wrote:

Purpose there is to clump my defensive lineelves on the LOS for protection because it seems to make it slightly trickier for an opponent to get 2D blocks on all of them. This usually pretty well ensures that half of my opponent's team is clumped to one side AND usually also means that one of the guys in the widezone is sucked into the scrum at the LOS. When a slow team starts building a cage to one side of the field it is usually a cakewalk to dance elves from the opposite flank around behind to form a loose cordon and start probing for holes.

I think it's really interesting and sorta useful against slow teams. I am going to try it.
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