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Converting - Brettonian Conversions

Rune_Master - Sep 23, 2005 - 07:47 AM
Post subject: Brettonian Conversions
As there is no "official" Brettonian team, I was considering building one. Since there are no Knights on foot, any ideas on what bitz might make for appropriate bodies for these lads?
Rune_Master - Sep 23, 2005 - 01:26 PM
Post subject:
Nevermind, I found the Realm Knights on foot in the classic range. A few of them, some bowmen, pikemen, and halbediers with their weapons removed, got me a Brett' team!
Paul - Sep 23, 2005 - 03:36 PM
Post subject:
I got photos of a Brettonian team that was in an old league that I ran (under the old, gross Brettonian rules)

If I can find a scaner I'll post them up. He used the Realm Knights on foot that I'm pretty sure you found.
Colin - Sep 23, 2005 - 05:13 PM
Post subject:
I have a converted Bret team from way back when I was running a league with BBmag rules. The thing with Brets, they can easily be used as regular humans, knights for blitzers, squires as throwers and catchers, men at arms as linemen.

Here's the pic;

Rune_Master - Sep 24, 2005 - 05:28 AM
Post subject:
true enough asbout using them as humans... My main reasoning for wanting to try the experimental list was a few of the special rules:

Greater Glory (for me!) - anyone with this must go first in any turn or not move in that turn

It's just a Flesh Wound - injuries can be ignored ( I believe after a dice roll) for the remainder of a drive, at which point they are accounted for

But honestly, I never even thought of just using them under standard human rules...silly me...
Colin - Sep 24, 2005 - 11:43 AM
Post subject:
Wasn't insulting your intellegence by telling you that Brets can be used as humans, obviously any human looking team (whether Phils Phigs Valkyries, Shadowforge Nuns, etc) can be used with the regular human roster. Just trying to point out that you can use a Bret themed team in a local league under whatever rules you like, but they can be used in official tourneys as humans so they don't have to be a team that can only be used in a local league. If you don't go to tourneys, I guess it doesn't matter.
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