NAF World Headquarters

General - BB Mag

SBG - Mar 19, 2003 - 01:36 PM
Post subject: BB Mag
Hello all!

I have problems finding BB Mag in Montreal. My question is two-fold:

- Does anyone would mind selling me (or .pdf) a copy or two of the latest issues ?

- Does anyone in Montreal know where to find it (I've checked with Le Valet d'Coeur and Librairie Donjon) ?

Thanks !

GalakStarscraper - Mar 19, 2003 - 02:04 PM
Post subject:
Your best bet .... cut a deal with someone in the UK and pay them to get you a UK subscription and air mail it to you when they get it.

I have mine through the Virtual Merlin company in the UK. So I get my copy 1 week after it comes out in the UK.

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