NAF World Headquarters

House Rules - Roster modification for High elves

SBG - Mar 19, 2003 - 09:02 PM
Post subject: Roster modification for High elves
Hi there !

In our league, the only team without a Big Guy (or the possibility of hiring one) is a HE team and frankly, they're not doing very good: 3-21 over two seasons. It might not have anything to do with the fact that they're not allowed a BG, but it might, seeing the kind of BB (very physical) being played in the league.

The league consists of a Dwarf team, Orcs, Skaven, HE, and my Chaos Dwarves, the reigning Champions for the last two seasons ! (Insert applauses here).

I was thinking of proposing to the other coaches to let the HE hire a Treeman. I'd like to know what the NAF community thinks of such a roster move. I think it's minor, but maybe there's some twitch I don't see.

I'm looking forward to reading your comments.

Bevan - Mar 19, 2003 - 11:25 PM
Post subject: Big Guys for High Elves
Having played a variety of teams with and without Big Guys I don't think High elves need them. That is provided you use the correct negative traits for all Big Guys.

The negative traits are enough to make most Big Guys somewhat marginal in value. A good team (of any race) without a Big Guy can be as good as a similar team with a Big Guy provide the team ratings are the same.

I've recently played Chaos, Undead and Skaven with good results and didn't use a Big Guy for any of those teams, although other teams in the league were using Big Guys.
Doubleskulls - Mar 20, 2003 - 02:44 AM
Post subject:
If a team is 3-21 and isn't playing a stunty team there is something wrong with the coaching. Maybe he's outclassed in TR - but then handicaps should help him win more games.

HE and DE are relatively poor starting teams but compensate when they get a few skills.
Longshot - Mar 20, 2003 - 02:55 AM
Post subject:
He dont need BG.
you can play and win without!!
dlb1969 - Mar 20, 2003 - 06:41 AM
Post subject: HE hardly need a big guy...
With the addition of allowing them two more lion warriors they don't need any big guy assistance. I think your example is due more to coaching than anything else. We had one of our best players take a rookie high elf team to the championship last season and he was playing against the following teams; 2 dwarf, 1 dark elf, 1 other high elf, 1 norse, 1 chaos, 1 orc, 1 lizzie, and 1 undead. He finished with an 11-2 record in the regular season. He also won the Spike Tourney. Currently he is 6-0 this year with the same team, though they are at TR280 or something now. He is a very good coach though and averaged 3 TDs per game last season. There were only 3 games that he didn't score at least 3 TDs; against me and the two games he played against the undead coach.
skummy - Mar 20, 2003 - 06:53 AM
Post subject:
Maybe you should point out to the coach that he needs to take dauntless on doubles?
Gattolardo - Mar 27, 2003 - 05:23 AM
Post subject:
In our league we allowed EVERY TEAM a BG, Ogres to e more precise, as in the WH background they were quite the mercenary kind, they would play for everyone.
In the end, none of the elf teams bought any, as a BG isn't really suited for the kind of play elven coaches do favor. (and they cost a LOT).

I think that a elven choach that feel the urge to add a BG to his team should seriously reconsider his team choice .. Smile

Please note that I'm referring to HE and DE, not to WE, whose AV is so low to make them very vulnerable to a rough game)

Rob Laughing
Melifaxis - Mar 27, 2003 - 10:38 AM
Post subject:
In our league the HE's are doing just fine without a Big Guy. 2nd place overall.
SBG - Mar 27, 2003 - 11:06 AM
Post subject:
After reading your comments and speaking with the coach, thing is he doesn't want a Big Guy ! I was wrongly led to believe he wanted one. So no more concern. But many thanks for thoughtful comments.

Longshot - Mar 27, 2003 - 11:36 AM
Post subject:
Your Welcome Smile
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