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General - Pictures for the Web

tommyboy - Mar 22, 2003 - 09:20 AM
Post subject: Pictures for the Web
What kind of camera is best for snapping pictures of BB figs????

I just bought a 3 megapixel, 8x zoom. (Olympus C-720 model)
and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or did I just get the wrong camera?????

I've been wanting to post a picture of Jake "The Snake" Plisken (Jake Plummer/ Snake Plisken "Escape from NY/ LA"). He's a Chaos Chosen One (four-arms, snake lower body) that I converted into a good looking thrower. Had to amputate a Amazon's thrower hand to get the ball though. Looks really good (eye patch and all), just needs some finishing touches.
skummy - Mar 22, 2003 - 12:11 PM
Post subject:
Laughing Jake "the Snake" Pliskin! That's great!

I can hear it now... "Jake, press the action button to pick up the block dice. Rotate the left analog stick in a counterclockwise motion to roll the armor check."
spree - Mar 22, 2003 - 05:12 PM
Post subject: Re: Pictures for the Web
      tommyboy wrote:
What kind of camera is best for snapping pictures of BB figs????

I just bought a 3 megapixel, 8x zoom. (Olympus C-720 model)
and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or did I just get the wrong camera?????

You've got a great camera!!

I've just checked out some reviews and it sounds like you have a really good camera and it has the exact feature you need for taking great close-up pics - Macro mode. Your camera features "Macro focusing mode from 3.9 inch to 78 inch.", meaning when in macro mode you can hold the camera 3.9 inches (or more) away from a figure and it will focus sharply producing really nice pics...I'll post an example of macro mode on my camera. Smile
Grumbledook - Mar 23, 2003 - 04:58 PM
Post subject:
for macro shots rest the camera on something steady rather than holding it

better yet buy a mini tripod they mine cost £10 not to bad, my camera also has a handy remote so once its in position i won't have to touch it to take the snap ;]
GalakStarscraper - Mar 23, 2003 - 08:10 PM
Post subject:
      Grumbledook wrote:
for macro shots rest the camera on something steady rather than holding it

ABSOLUTELY ... if you don't get the tripod; what I do is get a hard cover book. Tape a piece of white paper to GW mail order box and position it behind the book.

GO OUTSIDE ... NOTHING (unless you are pro photographer) beats Mother Nature's sunlight at high noon.

Okay so you have your mini on the book and the nice white background outside at high noon on a table. Put the camera on the table (do not hold it) ... but it on Macro mode and position it about 5 to 6 inches away ... take your pics ... you should be pretty happy with them.

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