NAF World Headquarters

Converting - Seeking suitable Gnome and Robot models/minis

Nukkel_Dragrrr - Mar 22, 2003 - 09:37 PM
Post subject: Seeking suitable Gnome and Robot models/minis
Thinking about running a Robot team, but the one I wan to run isn't officially recognized by our group. If I can't get it accepted, the next closest is a Tinker Gnome / Construct team.

Anyone have any readily available models with can be converted for Blood Bowl?
GalakStarscraper - Mar 23, 2003 - 06:03 AM
Post subject: Re: Seeking suitable Gnome and Robot models/minis
      Nukkel_Dragrrr wrote:
Thinking about running a Robot team, but the one I wan to run isn't officially recognized by our group. If I can't get it accepted, the next closest is a Tinker Gnome / Construct team.

Anyone have any readily available models with can be converted for Blood Bowl?

I have a Gnome team but it is converted from FASA Battletech and Ral Partha Gnomes...... both companies who have closed their doors for good.

Don't know of a good alternative off the top of my head as these guys were perfect. I've also used Squats for the Gnome team, but Ebay is probably the only place you are going to get these guys.

Also if you are using the Robot rules from I don't see why a group wouldn't allow that team in. Its so difficult to create a great team because of the cash that you need that I haven't had a Robot team in the MBBL2 for one and half years.

Paintbeast - Aug 27, 2003 - 09:39 AM
Post subject:
I'm not certain which gnomes Galak is refering to in his post, but many of the olf Ral Partha figures can be purchased from the companies that purchased the rights and moulds for the old lines (or Ral Partha Europe)

The last two companies are slowly bringing out new products from the old lines. If what you are after isn't already being cast it might be at some future date.

Take care!
GalakStarscraper - Aug 30, 2003 - 06:52 AM
Post subject:
Also the MechWarrior line was redone and reintroduced by WizKids. Plenty of great figs now that you could use to build a Robot team.
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