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Strategy and Tactics - What way to go with a DE thrower

SergeiBautin - Dec 26, 2005 - 06:26 AM
Post subject: What way to go with a DE thrower
In my cursed Dark Elf team (they are cursed, since they have fielded more than 11 players in one game in their 25 matches long career), the thrower seems to become rather interesting. He first rolled 6+4, a MA increase might be nice i thougt. Then a double 6. St+1 is almost every time a nobrainer i thought. Then he rolls a double. Hmmmm, what do i choose? The rest of the team is something like this : 2 MB witchelves, they are very nice, blitzes and cause casualties alot. 3 Blitzers, one stripball+leap+AG5, one blodge, sidestep, takle guard, and the last one St4,MB, tackle, dodge (niggle on ageing). Linos are linos, some Blodge, some sidestep and so on.

What way should i develop my precious thrower. Runningback (NoS), Extra blitzer (MB or guard), extra witch (Frenzy), or thrower (Strongarm) or perhaps something else. Please give me your suggestions. Confused
Doubleskulls - Dec 26, 2005 - 04:30 PM
Post subject:
I'd be tempted by Guard - you can never have enough and it will help to clear opponents off him should he get marked. 7 4 4 8 is a fine stat line, so I might even discard the double in favour of block or dodge to try and increase his longevity.
Xtreme - Dec 26, 2005 - 08:35 PM
Post subject:
With the trouble you are having keeping players around I think I would disregard the doubles and take block. Its always hard to turn down doubles but with the skill rolls this guy has gotten so far who know what his next roll will be. Imagine a 7548.
SergeiBautin - Dec 27, 2005 - 02:36 AM
Post subject:
Hehe, might be nice Smile Its a hard decision, but im thinking about the discarding of the doublechoice, after all, ageing might catch up with himbefore the normal Blodge combo. So in your opinion,m he should end his throwing carreer, and start being a blitzer?
SergeiBautin - Dec 28, 2005 - 12:12 PM
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Anyone has a thought?
SolarFlare - Dec 28, 2005 - 01:04 PM
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I would give him block. I don't think this ends him as a thrower. It just makes him an all-around better player. He can play some defense. He's good to blitz someone. He's hard to knock down when he has the ball. And, he gets the free re-roll on failed passes.

Sure, passing up doubles is hard sometimes, but I think this guy needs block.
OldManDraco - Dec 29, 2005 - 04:12 AM
Post subject:
I'd give him strong arm. With MA 7 the thrower can reach almost every spot on the pitch. Next skill: Accurate. Long bombs will then only fumble on a 1! The STR +1 will keep him alive enough against most teams, and normally you will never leave the thrower alone.
Notorious_jtb - Jan 07, 2006 - 03:19 PM
Post subject:
I'd do block, this gives you another blitzer, but does not prevent you giving the chap Accurate next time and having a dual role thrower/blitzer. NOS is always a great skill, but you really want to be able to use this guy to hit people with and block will make that easier Smile

Also, you can use him as your ball carrier, as he is fast and strong. You would only need to protect him for a few turns before he is in range to score, even if he picks up the ball in the back field!
Mick Moon - Jan 10, 2006 - 08:09 AM
Post subject:
ok...what´s the job for the DE-Thrower?

Pick up Ball , carry Ball , throw the final pass or make hand off

to make his jobs secure you need: pass / allready on

For picking up ball you need sure hands. Sounds funny cause you
pick up ball on 2+ but if you fail that, than your turn ends and your offence
is in very big trouble.

To carry ball you need dodge. Dodge to leave the marking enemy
player. Dodge for make shorter way through enemy line and make the
pass as short as possible. Dodge to survive any blocks by enemy players
without blocking skill - they need a six on blockdice to bring you down. etc.

Your thrower is allready fast MA7 and strong ST4 , now make him flexible
and secure.
Heroic_Tackle - Jan 22, 2006 - 03:16 PM
Post subject:
Sure Hands is what I would do. You can always roll a one. Sometimes you want to pick up the ball in a tackle zone and you be glad to have a Thrower who can do it without a reroll.
DukeJan - Jan 23, 2006 - 01:33 AM
Post subject:
I'd go for strong arm. Because of the reasons listed by Draco, as well as for tactical reasons. Although block and NoS are nice skills to have on a thrower as well, you'll want to keep him out of enemy TZs anyway, making those skills little-used. A good long pass, or long bomb, is a great offensive weapon on any agility team.
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