NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Bonehead

Zarhan - Feb 12, 2003 - 03:47 PM
Post subject: Bonehead
Our league has a question on Bonehead and Assists. Actually we had been using Bonehead wrong the first couple of seasons, but that is fixed now. Anyways, Bonehead states that a player can't do anything if he fails. So my question is how can he assist when he is bonehead. He is supposed to not be able to do anything. Probably should fix this in Bonehead to say can't do anything but assist. Our commish got the answer on one of these boards, but I think I am bringing a valuable point to the table.

Confused little hobbo,

lawquoter - Feb 12, 2003 - 05:44 PM
Post subject:
You've raised an interesting point. He obviously loses his tackle zone, and I've sort of assumed that this includes the ability to lend an assist. I'm not sure what my email league does with this, I tend to not pay attention to my dumb Ogre when he's boneheaded. But I guess he is counted as an assist, the rule on bonehead does not indicate that he is to lose the +1 modifier.
AnthonyTBBF - Feb 12, 2003 - 06:02 PM
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In my league we allow a Boneheaded Ogre to lend assists, but not prevent assists from opposing players.
Melifaxis - Feb 12, 2003 - 07:15 PM
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In our league, the Bone Head can do nothing. Interested to hear an official ruling though.
liviath - Feb 13, 2003 - 12:44 AM
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Bonehead says he just looses his tackle zone. Having (or not having) a tackle zone is irrelevent when assisting a block (LRB p.21). It does have one effect though. Since he doesn't have a tackle zone he doesn't prevent any opposing players from assisting. So to paint a picture, he can still distract one opposing player but the rest get in their assists.

As for the "can't do anything" part, I've always took it that "anything" means an action. However, reading the wording I would almost say that he couldn't lend assists. We've always played that he could and I think they ruled he could.
Indigo - Feb 13, 2003 - 03:39 AM
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I think that, since Bonehead results in a lost tackle zone, and tackle zones are needed to lend offensive or defensive assists then a boneheaded player is "out of it" until he passes a bonehead roll. also fits in nicely with the idea that while the ogre is scratching his arse and picking his nose he wont be lending assists
Squiggoth - Feb 13, 2003 - 06:59 AM
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I never really thought about it... But I'd go for Indigo's option. Even though it'll probably mean I'll NEVER win a match again Wink
skummy - Feb 13, 2003 - 07:19 AM
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Well, I can reference you to an official BRCC answer for now: (taken from )

"Players with lost tackle zones cannot lend offensive assists (polling of the BB community indicated that a large majority of leagues already played it this way, greatly simplifies lost TZ blocking problems)
BBRC response: Rule changes were kept to a minimum this year. This change will be strongly considered next review."
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