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Strategy and Tactics - Amazon Tourny roster

Rune_Master - Jan 01, 2006 - 09:11 AM
Post subject: Amazon Tourny roster
This is a list I was considering:

4 - Blitzers
2 - Catchers
1 - Thrower
4 - Linewomen
3 - RR's
6 - FF

Does this seem like a decent tourny list? Any changes suggested? I figured I could get away with the low fan factor because of the cost of Amazon players and that I already had an Apothecary. Thoughts?
BrassSam - Jan 01, 2006 - 01:17 PM
Post subject:
I like it, use the apo to save on of your position players when needed.

One thing I would change though, drop the FF to 2, and get a 4th reroll. Fan factor is not so important in tournaments, except possibly for kickoff results, and these aren't nearly as bad as they used to be these days.

Alternatively, use the extra money gained from dropping your FF to get a 12th player, to give you some fouling leverage.

Rune_Master - May 02, 2006 - 01:49 PM
Post subject:
I did end up dropping the fan factor and getting another linewoman, but staying with three rerolls. Worked out reasonably well. Could have used more rerolls versus the Chaos Dwarf and Dwarf teams I played, but having the extra linewoman helped with injuries and a little fouling leverage.
Doubleskulls - May 03, 2006 - 03:57 AM
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I'd not bother with the catchers or throwers. 20k is half the cost of a team RR and how often do you really want to pass the ball anyway? Once or twice a half? How many times will you use those rerolls compared to a TRR?

So swap the catchers/throwers for line, and take another one (giving you 12 players) with the remaining 10k and money from FF buy a 4th reroll.

If this is list for a league then it depends on duration. Medium term leagues you (more than 8 games) you should start with FF very high (9, maybe Cool. Long term leagues I'd be tempted to drop the catchers from the starting lineup in favour of another TRR too. Catchers skill up quickly (since they will score TDs) so bringing them in later means your line and blitzers will get the TDs early on speeding their development.
BB_Babe - May 03, 2006 - 08:01 AM
Post subject:
Depends on your style of play. I went without a thrower for my first tourney with Zons this weekend and will not do that again.... missed several short and quick passes, fumbled several times. A thrower with Accurate Pass for me please.

I find the 4th reroll very handy to get around those tackle teams.
SolarFlare - May 03, 2006 - 08:39 AM
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I like the catchers so that I can move them into scoring position. I don't like the thrower because I prefer to give a blitzer sure hands and then run the ball up the field. (It's difficult to get the ball away from the blodger with sure hands.) The catchers then leave me the option of handing off for the score.
Doubleskulls - May 04, 2006 - 03:25 AM
Post subject:
      BB_Babe wrote:
Depends on your style of play. I went without a thrower for my first tourney with Zons this weekend and will not do that again.... missed several short and quick passes, fumbled several times. A thrower with Accurate Pass for me please.

I find the 4th reroll very handy to get around those tackle teams.

Then we have really different styles of play. I only pass when necessary and normally just run the cage upfield. Once the ball has been picked up (by a blitzer Very Happy) they never let go voluntarily.

When you can have 4 guards on the team giving up a skill for a moderately reliable passing game just feels like a waste.
stick_with_poo_on_the_end - May 04, 2006 - 05:50 AM
Post subject:
I like a 13 women roster, giving the option of heavy fouling play. Plus if you get drawn against Dwarfs/CD???s/Norse etc, you will thankfull for those reserves. No need for throwers of catchers.

4 Blitzers 360
9 Linewomen 450
3 RR 120
Apoth 50
Rune_Master - May 05, 2006 - 07:17 AM
Post subject:
      stick_with_poo_on_the_end wrote:
I like a 13 women roster, giving the option of heavy fouling play. Plus if you get drawn against Dwarfs/CD???s/Norse etc, you will thankfull for those reserves. No need for throwers of catchers.

4 Blitzers 360
9 Linewomen 450
3 RR 120
Apoth 50

In this roster, given round-by-round skill upgrades, would you boost some LW with block making them Bitzers, or would you just add Guard to all the blitzers and take your chances with the LW?
TuernRedvenom - May 05, 2006 - 12:13 PM
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guard is more important!
BB_Babe - May 06, 2006 - 09:36 AM
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If you're allowed a doubles skill -- Stand Firm. Let's you take risky dodges against any team, and is a good answer to tacklers.

stick_with_poo_on_the_end - May 07, 2006 - 01:00 PM
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Dirty player 1st on a line chick and then guard the 4 blitzers, after that block on linos. If you are allowed doubles take more guard
Clan_Skaven - May 07, 2006 - 01:10 PM
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I know guard is awsome but,.....

Unless you play alot of tackle teams, a whole roster of Blodge is just friggin annoying to compete against.

If I were to play zons I'd go with Blodge across the board (unless I knew that more than 50% of the compition was Dwarves) Then I'd not bother with Zons at all anyway Laughing

TuernRedvenom - May 08, 2006 - 05:22 AM
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Guard is more important since it lets you dominate the block wars which is very important for amazons, your players will go down less and you will take less damage if you take guard instead of block because then you can outblock almost every race. Taking block for blodge assumes you are going to take hits instead of dealing them out yourself. Not a good idea.
stick_with_poo_on_the_end - May 08, 2006 - 10:33 AM
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Could not have put it better myself. Load up on Guard! Dirty player is optional, depnding on your style of play. I'm quite dirty and like the idea of dirty women Wink
Rune_Master - May 17, 2006 - 01:24 PM
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How about thoughts for a T110 roster? That would be a team using 1,100,000 gold pieces?
Doubleskulls - May 17, 2006 - 08:21 PM
Post subject:
Similar. All the blitzers, probably 9 linewoman, apoth, FF4, 5 RRs Very Happy Maybe ditch a RR for FF8 or another linewoman.
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