NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Ball in Corner...

Paul - Jan 20, 2006 - 04:33 PM
Post subject: Ball in Corner...
Hey everyone,

this came up the other night and I believe its the first time that this happened in my career and I was wondering what you should do or if there are rules (in an FAQ) on this.

Basically, the ball was kicked into the corner, dead on, my reliable orc thrower of course drops it trying to pick up and it scatters out of bounds. The set up is hard to describe in words, so heres a crude pic

basically, the ball scattered diagonally out (diagram C) how should the throw in go? Do you roll, 1-3 you use diagram A's throw in, 4-6 you use diagram B's, or would you use a set up like Diagram C, where you either throw diagonally out or down either side line?

I forget what we did, but I was wondering what you would do in this situation?

Opus - Jan 20, 2006 - 08:51 PM
Post subject:
Paul - let me start by saying that I've never seen that happen before either. Smile Now - to put on my referee hat for a second, let me quote from LRB3 page 4 (which is what I have in front of me), describing how to use the Throw-In Template:

"Position the square marked with the football over the last square the ball crossed before going off the field with the center arrow (the one marked 3-4) pointing towards the opposite sideline."

Taking that literally, I don't think you have any other choice but to use Orientation B in your diagram (assuming, of course, that the end zone is to the left edge in your pictures).
Paul - Jan 20, 2006 - 10:41 PM
Post subject:
yea, but isn't the line at the end zone a "sideline" as well?

Assume that the end zones are in North and South, if the ball bounces out off the end zone, you don't point the template in an east or west direction.

Thanks for the help though, I can see your point, but the situation I just mentioned is the only thing that really comes to mind when you said that.
Opus - Jan 21, 2006 - 10:36 AM
Post subject:
To be honest, I like Solution C the best - it gives the best opportunity for the ball to get back on the field quickly.
Xeterog - Jan 21, 2006 - 10:37 AM
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I wouldn't use 'C' at all..if the ball bounced out diagonally, you could always roll a die 1-3 it's 'A' and 4-5 it's 'B'
Darkson - Jan 21, 2006 - 03:03 PM
Post subject:
I think Gortex has the answer that Galak (or it might have been JJ) gave on the old GW BB forum (though of course, it's "4-6 use B"Wink).
Doubleskulls - Jan 21, 2006 - 04:35 PM
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I think Gortex is right too.
Tojurub - Jan 22, 2006 - 11:07 PM
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With a gut feeling I would have used C...but I see Gortex' point...the only things I need to add is that Diagram A and B would cause major headaches if the ball keeps bouncing towards the crowd again (e.g 5-6 in A or 1-2 and B)....with my luck in dice...that would probably happen Wink

Just keep in mind that the ball is counted to go forward in the corner square and not from an imaginary sqaure next to the sideline....I just point that out, because the diagrams above don't show that too well
Paul - Jan 23, 2006 - 12:27 AM
Post subject:
Yea, thanks for the feedback guys. If this ever happens again, I'm sure we'll roll 50/50 (I think thats what we did, but it was a week ago and I can't remember to be sure)

@Tojurub - yea, with the constant bouncing back, yea, I can see that happening some time. You just gotta keep moving, had I actually wanted to put alot of effort into the diagram, I would have had the movement (yellow) arrows originating in the square that the balls in.
Wosret - Jan 24, 2006 - 12:50 PM
Post subject:
Well i 've had this one happen several(10+ or so) times now
We actually diced of to use A or B

On a side note: It can take a while to get the bal in play is it will bounce out of bound cuite often on a pass allong one of the side lines.
Also longest one took us 4 mins Shocked to finally get it in the field due to the affore mentioned results of A5-6 followed by B1-2 and so on (two fans on the corner throwing the ball to each other i suppose and enjoying it Very Happy )
Bevan - Jan 24, 2006 - 02:08 PM
Post subject:
      Wosret wrote:
Well i 've had this one happen several(10+ or so) times now
We actually diced of to use A or B

If you are going to dice for A or B, then you might as well just use C and get the ball back in play immediately.

C is not quite the same as dicing for A or B. Ideally you should use a D8 and use 1,2 for left, 7,8 for right and the rest go diagonally. Laughing
SuM - May 22, 2006 - 08:16 AM
Post subject:
"C" would be cool though...
Could you imagine, the ball being launched up the sideline then, they would launch it again... that would make for a Crazy Game!!!

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