NAF World Headquarters

North America - CRUMBBL (new BB League) starting up in Chicago,IL area

avatar666 - Feb 12, 2006 - 10:28 PM
Post subject: CRUMBBL (new BB League) starting up in Chicago,IL area

Chicago Region Ultimate Mayhem Blood Bowl League

CRUMBBL is finishing it's very successful first season and is getting ready to start a new league season using the new rules.


The Plan to start the next season on August 9th:

1. Day: Wednesday
2. Place: Bunker unless another place/time is needed.
3. Start Time: between 6:30 & 7:10 PM
3. Rules to Use: LRB 5.0 (free PDF file download found here:
4. All teams will start fresh this season. After this season teams can roll over if the coach wants to.
5. Frequency: Get a game in every two weeks
6. Set Schedule (but if you can't make the scheduled game day, you have until the next game day top make it up)
7. Length of 1st Season: 8 game season, 4 teams make play-offs, final
8. Eligibility to play in play-offs: The 4 highest ranking teams & team must be painted

If anyone is thinking about joining up for the fun please plan on meeting with us.

WHEN: Wednesday, July 19th at around 7 PMish until ???.

WHERE: Downers Grove, IL - "GW Battle Bunker"

WHO: Those who want to play in a Blood Bowl League

WHAT: We plan on playing some practice games while the current season final will be played.
If you know anyone else who may want to play, they are welcome as well. If you are thinking of playing but can not make it out, then reply back here and let me know. Deadline to sign up is on August 3rd.

StoutYoungblood - Feb 13, 2006 - 09:57 AM
Post subject:
Sweet deal. I will be there. Have been hoping to find some Blood bowler to play.
Jonny_P - Feb 16, 2006 - 11:10 AM
Post subject:
Kick ass!

I know there are a lot of people in the Chicago area that were waiting for someone to start up a league based at the bunker.

If only I wasn't moving away from the area in 2 days....<sniff>
avatar666 - Feb 23, 2006 - 03:25 PM
Post subject:
(deleted old info)
avatar666 - Jul 14, 2006 - 08:02 PM
Post subject:
This coming Wednesday will see CRUMBBL's first championship game between played out between Heracle's Bane (Phil's Amazons) and the Ratlanta Lurkers (Wil's Skaven).

I just revised the original post here (above top) to indicate the new information for the second season. CRUMBBL's first season had 16 coaches signed up, and I am hoping more might see this and join in on the fun. Coaches wanting to join this league in the Chicagoland burbs are welcome at this time. The new season will start up on August 9th. Please contact me by August 3rd if you are interested in joining or had any questions.

Jonny_P - Jul 16, 2006 - 12:42 AM
Post subject:
Good luck Dean! Thats quite a large league.

Looks like right there is 16 automatically entered for the Chaos Cup since the league is based in the same location!
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