NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Pass rule question

crazylegs - Apr 03, 2006 - 12:05 AM
Post subject: Pass rule question
Our league just restarted this week, and a question came up that I couldn't find an answer for, and that is:

Do you have to actually target a model with a pass, or can you just try to chuck it to an empty spot?

(If possible, please point me to the section of the LRB that pertains to this).

slup - Apr 03, 2006 - 12:52 AM
Post subject:
You are free to choose from a friend, an enemy or an empty square when passing.

The player can throw the football to another player in his own team (or another player in the opposing team if he really wants to), or simply to an empty square, though obviously the first of these options will be the most useful – and may keep him from being attacked by his own team members!

LRB page 13
Opus - Apr 03, 2006 - 09:59 AM
Post subject:
I've used this to my benefit on a few occasions - when I've had the ball deep in my own territory late in the match. Throw the ball to an empty square in the opponent's half, where s/he doesn't have enough time to go pick it up and score a TD.

Of course - they usually retalliate by kicking the snot out of my players ....
Spazzfist - Apr 03, 2006 - 10:06 AM
Post subject:
You could also do it if you manage to get a hold of the ball while you and your opponent are deep in your own zone. Get it out of there! This works particularly well for wood elves and skaven who are then fast enough to beat the opponent to getting the ball in the other end.
crazylegs - Apr 03, 2006 - 05:09 PM
Post subject:
Thanks guys...
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