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General - Looking for old human minis

chaos_spawn - Apr 03, 2006 - 01:28 AM
Post subject: Looking for old human minis
at the moment I am making up a human team of old 2nd edi minis. My only problem is: I do not have enough minis (I have only got 12). I need a blitzer and/or a thrower as well as some linemen to complete my team.

Does anyone have such old minis and if so, does anyone want to sell/trade them to me?

If desired I could give some 2nd Edi chaos dwarf or chaos players in exchange.
Milo - Aug 12, 2006 - 12:25 AM
Post subject:
Are you still looking for these? I believe I have a complete team full I might be willing to part with.
Babs - Aug 12, 2006 - 05:20 PM
Post subject:
I too have such figures and could be willing to sell. PM me if interested.
Chobahk - Aug 30, 2006 - 09:14 AM
Post subject:
I have a bunch of hummies and am looking for chaos dwarves, let me know if you still need any.
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