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Strategy and Tactics - Lizardmen Coaches

Rabid_Bogscum - Apr 13, 2006 - 12:08 AM
Post subject: Lizardmen Coaches
What team roster would you guys recommend for a 6 game league style tournament, current LRB with a starting TR125. How important do you think Fanfactor is over these 6 games. Want to decide soon, because have some last minute painting maybe. Ive got 5 saurus and 9 skinks painted atm. So im half inclined to take them with 5 rerolls 1 Fan, or 4 rerolls 7 Fan, or keep the 5 rerolls 7 Fan but drop one skink? What do you think?
Doubleskulls - Apr 13, 2006 - 06:40 PM
Post subject:
Leviathan is a funny one. With that money I'd get a Krox. Then I'd get the 6th Saurus too and then you are left with enough for 7 skinks & 3 rerolls giving you a healthy 14 players. Your big problem is going to be getting skills to stop elven teams (no block or tackle to start...) which ought to be fairly common.
Gremdel_BB - Apr 24, 2006 - 03:16 AM
Post subject:
5 rerolls does seem like a lot. Ummm... off the top of my head I'd go with

Krox (12?)
5 x Saurus ( 40 )
9 x Skink ( 54 )
3 x Reroll ( 18 )
FF 1

DSkulls suggestion for comparison:
Krox ( 12 )
6 x Saurus ( 48 )
7 x Skinks ( 42 )
3 x Rerolls ( 18 )
FF 5


6 x Saurus ( 48 )
8 x Skink ( 48 )
4 x Reroll ( 24 )
FF 5

That's probably what I'd go with (Or 1 less reroll in exhange for Skink #9). I've never been a big fan of the Krox in Lizardman teams. You've already got up to 6 heavy hitters without block, the main thing the Krox adds is MB and his Tail. But he more than makes up for that in causing turnovers without Block and doing nothing 1 in 6 times. When I do play with a Krox, he usually ends up sitting in the middle of the field throwing blocks on a single line elf or something.
Shoggoth - May 12, 2006 - 08:46 AM
Post subject:
I agree with Grembel about the Krox - he's fine if you're in a league, but for tournament play he's just a little too unreliable turn for turn. I'd recommend the

6 X Saurus
8 X Skink
4 X Rerolls


6 X Saurus
9 X Skinks
3 X Rerolls

I'd probably roll with the 9 skink option, especially if you can lose players during the tournament. Having the ability to drop 6 Saurus's on the line during defensive plays, then switch it up and flood the field with skinks on the offense is completely worth it.
SolarFlare - May 15, 2006 - 06:42 AM
Post subject:
At 125 to start, I think I would max out on the high strength players, especially since this is a non-resurrection tournament (i.e., "league style"). Sure, the krox is not the greatest player ever, but he is STR 5 with MB and the tail. He is good to place next to the other team's big guy which will free up one of your sauruses to go do something else. It is also rare for him to get seriously hurt (meaning more players on the pitch for you). Sure, he can cause a turnover. That's why he's usually the last player on the pitch to take an action for my team.

Also, since this is "league style," you may want to put an apoth on your roster. It would suck to lose that saurus in game one or your skink that rolled doubles in game two (etc.).

Good luck!
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