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Painting - Chipping paint

Spazzfist - Apr 20, 2006 - 09:13 AM
Post subject: Chipping paint
Now normally we do not want this to happen to our beloved figs, but I have seen it done where people can paint the edges of their figs to make it look like the wear and tear has chipped the paint off of thei rblood bowl armour. Done properly it looks amazing. Do it like I do it and it looks like crap.

Can anyone direct me to a website which shows step by step how to do it? Or try to explain it to me?


hoomin_erra - Apr 20, 2006 - 10:01 AM
Post subject:
Paint yer fig like normal, and then gently whack the edges with a small hammer to chip the paint.
Spazzfist - Apr 20, 2006 - 11:14 AM
Post subject:

Maybe you should (not so) gently whack yer head for making such a suggestion! Wink
Rune_Master - Apr 20, 2006 - 12:16 PM
Post subject:

this article has some base instructions for weathering metal. I know there is something better, probably in a black gobbo article or in a past WD, but it's something...

or, after a few rounds versus Team Philly, they'll be chipped plenty! Twisted Evil
Spazzfist - Apr 20, 2006 - 12:36 PM
Post subject:
      Rune_Master wrote:
or, after a few rounds versus Team Philly, they'll be chipped plenty! Twisted Evil

Only because Lagerbottom takes out his frustrations by throwing other players models! Casualty my treeman will ya? <Black orc flies throught he air>

(Sorry Rob, he baited me with that one! Wink)
Rune_Master - Apr 20, 2006 - 12:45 PM
Post subject:
honestly, I've never noticed Rob behaving emotionally before...

(sorry Rob, he baited me with that one Wink )
Grotuk - Apr 20, 2006 - 12:59 PM
Post subject:
Just pain the armour as normal...make a black blur in the area where you want to place the chip. Then, with chainmail paint inside the blur but let the black paint visible on the outside (i cant explain better with my language limitations).

For a best result paint with a mix of wather and brown ink some areas of the chip to simulate oxyde (is this ok?).

And you got it :p
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