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Strategy and Tactics - Flesh Golems...Two, or One?

Mitch - May 07, 2006 - 07:21 AM
Post subject: Flesh Golems...Two, or One?
I know the old golems are good, but at 120,000 2 take a lot of gold, is it better to have two or just the one? recently played a small local tourney with just the one and had some good experiences but just wanted some views


Darkson - May 09, 2006 - 10:46 AM
Post subject:
Personally, Ive had such crappy experiences with Golems, I perfer none.
antipixi - May 09, 2006 - 02:35 PM
Post subject:
Against str3 teams they can really hold up the opponent, especially once they have block. However they have a problem with stronger teams.

I recently started using a necro team in my local league with 1 FG I fairly quickly got a 2nd and they do annoy the opposition, but boy can they be slow to get SPPs.

I'm actually taking my necro team to the GT this weekend in Nottingham with 2 FGs so I'll post again next week once I know how I did.
Mitch - May 10, 2006 - 02:33 AM
Post subject:
Cheers, i know how slow they can be to get SPPs, and just when mine got block, he got killed by a!
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