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General - Matt Forbeck and the Style of Blood Bowl Novels

Babs - May 17, 2006 - 07:38 PM
Post subject: Matt Forbeck and the Style of Blood Bowl Novels
I have been thinking about the Blood Bowl novels a lot. I was wondering, for those who have read them, are they written in the way people were expecting?

Personally, I was hoping that the novels would be a little more serious in some senses. I know that Blood Bowl is a parody, however even the DiscWorld series are serious books in some senses.

Interested in comments. I think we can all agree that the writing itself leaves some things to be desired, however this is more a discussion on the genre of the novels, so to speak.

*Mr_Scream* - May 18, 2006 - 03:22 AM
Post subject:
i was realy expecting more blood bowl tbh. there are a few games described in each book and most either only last a few touchdowns or are described with dunk sat on the sidelines. other than that i realy enjoyed them (im onto teh last one now) there some of the only books ive managed to finish probably due to the subject matter.
Babs - May 18, 2006 - 03:37 AM
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Please excuse the double poll results. PHPBB hates me.
Paul - May 29, 2006 - 12:12 PM
Post subject:
I just picked up the second and third book in the series. The first one wasn't that great, but I figured I'd give these a shot (plus I've been looking for something to read that isn't a textbook)

well, I'm about 200 pages into the book, and there have been 2 games of blood bowl played. I'd like to see something that focuses more on the game itself and the team competing in the games. To me, the actual game played seems to be a bit of a side issue in all the stories.

I would also like to see all the stupid puns and names gotten rid of. One or two is ok, but its getting dumb when every chapter has to have some new type of beer or some new TV station.

I think I'll finish these books, I'm hoping that the second half of book 2 will get better.

Finally, I'm not sure how much blood bowl Mr. Forbeck has played. The biggest error that I have noticed was when they recruited a treeman to play for the team (forget that its a human team, whatever, I can live with that) but when the other players say that they could use a player with his speed and agility on the team (to be followed up by the treeman catching a pass in the end zone for a TD)

So as not to be compleatly negative, I do like that he decided to set the book ahead in the BB timeline, so we do not have to read stories about the greatness of Griff Obberwald or Varag Ghoul-Chwewer.

I also do like the action that happens in the games. Thats part of the reason why I would like to see more in-game action in the books.
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