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General - Are Da Scum's DINO Dice fixed?

Clan_Skaven - May 29, 2006 - 09:14 PM
Post subject: Are Da Scum's DINO Dice fixed?
Are Da Scum's DINO Dice fixed?

This is a more propper way to put up a poll, so vote if you wish.

Paul - May 29, 2006 - 09:58 PM
Post subject:
Havn't played him at all yet. I know he plays goblins, and I know that everyone who beats him tends to complain about his dice being fixed.

I thinik its just a bunch of people who lost to a goblin team trying to find some excuse as to why they lost to a goblin team other than the fact that they are just not good at Blood Bowl. Smile

That being said, unless the dice are clearly marked 1 through 6, I wouldn't let someone use them.
Spazzfist - May 30, 2006 - 06:12 AM
Post subject:
Sorry Rod, but your poll seems to have the flaw of too many choices! I have my doubts about the dino dice, but I also have the belief that the tourney organizer should supply all d6s.

But really, this whole poll thing is getting a bit silly now really.....
Clan_Skaven - May 30, 2006 - 06:20 AM
Post subject:
      Spazzfist wrote:
Sorry Rod, but your poll seems to have the flaw of too many choices! I have my doubts about the dino dice, but I also have the belief that the tourney organizer should supply all d6s.

But really, this whole poll thing is getting a bit silly now really.....

Ya I know, thats why I did it, the whole thing yesturday was a joke..... from just simple hacking it gets all blown out of proportion to an ugly mess. People have to lighten up & remember that like me Talons can be a loud mouth that just babbles out verbal fecal matter from time to time. (but also does make some very interesting points as well, just somewhat delivered in an ilmannered way Confused )

Seriously I know he wasn't trying to offend anyone (for the most part he was just stating facts) mind you they were facts that probably did not need to be openly said.

Clan_Skaven - May 30, 2006 - 06:27 AM
Post subject:
Plus me & Da Scum shared a good chuckle over the whole ordeal with the DINO Dice ordeal. It is quite funny when you think of it, but as stated before the DINO dice have been in question for some time, (not just Talons)

But in all its just too funny!

Wolfhowl - May 30, 2006 - 06:57 AM
Post subject:
I'm sorry for my part of blowing it out of proportion, it's just that Sutton is a friend, and I hate cheating. I know it just started out as heckling.

Sorry Talons, for what I said.
Da_Scum - May 30, 2006 - 10:21 AM
Post subject:
Even I question the darn things, as sure they can roll good but in EXACTLY the same breath they have also COST me more games when they go and flip COMPLETELY the other way and the 1's and 2's come up with a vengeance! Laughing (As Cyberhare and others took great delight in reminding me...heck Zombie INSISTS I use the things as I can't even make a simple dodge roll with them! Shocked Rolling Eyes Laughing ) I'll get a game with 6's galore...and then turn right around and the NEXT game with same dice end up with 18 Boneheads! I've had them go and pull that legendary now 23 straight dodges with no reroll right through Galek's team to dropping the ball eight flipping times on a simple pick up with an AG 4 Goblin in a championship game! Shocked Laughing

I know any event I run I'm going to insist on shared dice...and we'll supply them even. We'll have PACKAGES of Dino Dice for everyone! Share my frustration with them! (And ultimately that seems to make them the perfect dice for any Goblin coach, I'll have to send some to Spazzfist for his next time Defending the Spike!) And let's not get into the fun of all the Spike dice, bone dice, odd shaped dice and even Picture and Chaos dice we've all seen out there on the tournie circuit! (Heck some of those bought from GW themselves) It goes from finding a "reason" a goblin team can actually WIN games to having my hand shaken by a winner as they got there by playing my boyz and ANNIHLATING them when they couldn't even make a simple roll and pad their casualties by a nice +10! Laughing

Spazzfist and Paul hit it very well saying it comes down to just having all the dice supplied to remove all doubt. (And I'd like to ask my Block Dice as I swear those NAF frakking black block dice are cursed.... Twisted Evil ) Just having it there with either both players share or it's same one from the organizers and this whole thing becomes a relief to me! (Gencon for example, I LOVED having the share the same dice rule! Meant only had the one game of Nightmares with getting my butt handed the first part of the game by a Skaven coach by them...until finally the Goblins with the Death of the Secret Weapons got to work with a coach ejectd to boot....sometimes I think my team is trying to tell me something. Laughing ) And OMM with HIS dice got to see just how bad my luck can blow the other way... (3 freaking players hold my entire team up for 6 turns... Laughing )

So bring me your dice, your chipped, your warpstone inflicted! I'll streak them all to Hellpitz and gone! Razz
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