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Strategy and Tactics - Khemri Dirty Play issue

Darb27 - Jun 06, 2006 - 10:40 PM
Post subject: Khemri Dirty Play issue
In the league I am going to be in with my Khemri team it is looked down and concidered cheap to foul people if done to much. So what should I look at getting my skeletons instead of dirty player? Or would this effect a Khemri team to much to not do dirty plays? Thank you advance for any help in this matter.
Doubleskulls - Jun 06, 2006 - 11:40 PM
Post subject:
Block so you can hit them instead. Tackle for a 2nd skill would be nice too. It might be worth having a look at Khemri teams on FUMBBL - there may be a few that have used "no DP" development strategies.
Kheldar - Jun 07, 2006 - 03:30 AM
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Candlejack is giving mightyblow to all of his players. I played them they are frightening.
Sputnik - Jun 07, 2006 - 05:01 AM
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      Kheldar wrote:
Candlejack is giving mightyblow to all of his players. I played them they are frightening.

but you would need doubles for MB. I can see that his team is frightening.. Wink

Paul - Jun 07, 2006 - 08:32 AM
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I say you give your league a wake up call to the fact that its just a game, and fouling is part of that game. DP For everyone Smile
nyarlathotep - Jun 07, 2006 - 04:03 PM
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It is just a game. There are certain things in that game, however, which are just plain not fun. Dirty player for everyone is a good concept _on paper_, however, the skeletons won't skill up that fast, or that evenly. In a league as small as ours, a DP skeleton (who only has 7 armor, after all) has a huge target painted on him. It's just a better idea to give the skellie block to start, which will allow that skellie to stay on his feet more, exerting tackle zones, and being more effective. Since there are no star player points awarded for fouling, skeletons with just dirty player will just die quicker.
Doubleskulls - Jun 07, 2006 - 05:05 PM
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Once you get sent off, you can't be hurt!
Paul - Jun 07, 2006 - 05:16 PM
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Plus they've got regenerte.

Yea, I'd give some skellies block, but I'd still give 3 or 4 DP as their first skill. If they actually do die, meh, its a skellie, buy anohter one.
stick_with_poo_on_the_end - Jun 09, 2006 - 03:00 AM
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If you roll a double, I have seen diving tackle work very well for skeletons, Have the skeleton follow a mummy about, plonk them both next to your opponent, forcing him to try and dodge away with the modifier, try blocking the str 5 guy and his assist, or stay and get punched next turn. If the skellie survives, tackle next time would make him nasty for tying down those pesky dodgers while your 4 Bullies move in for the kill. But as per the other posts, DP is the Khemris greatest strength, You wouldn???t ask a would elf not to pass or as a dwarf player not to use a cage. Hit em with the mummies then kick with the boney boys.
KarlLagerbottom - Jun 09, 2006 - 06:53 AM
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I am generally not a big fan of fouling, but I don't see how your leaguemates can be upset for you to use one of the few strengths that you have available to you. (What's next? "Hey man...can you please stop blocking with those STR5 players?!?")

I'm sure they would be really proud of themselves to win 4-0, 5-0 with their elf team that you weren't allowed to foul.

If they have an issue with Khemri tactics, then perhaps there should be a discussion on allowing them in the league...however, if they are a legal team...and they should be...then all's fair.

It's just like people who are upset when stunty players foul. I guess the goblin/halfling coach should just surrender the number's advantage the whole game and allow 2d blocks against the whole time.
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