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Strategy and Tactics - Dwarf League Roster

daner0023 - Jun 11, 2006 - 11:59 AM
Post subject: Dwarf League Roster
I am playing Chaos Dwarves in out inaugural league and I am doing very well with them. I am 4-1 and I am a new player. Next season I am thinking of putting dwarves together. I am looking at lists and I am thinking this list looks strong to start with. I would like some opinions. This is what I consider a somewhat fast lineup for dwarves.

2 Runners
2 Blitzers
1 Slayer
6 Longbeards

9 FF
2 RR

I figured I would buy an apothecary after game 1 and then start saving for my other Slayer. After I have another Slayer, I will buy some more RR's and sub in some star players.
Paul - Jun 11, 2006 - 12:06 PM
Post subject:
2 Slayers are key man. Give up a LB and a couple FF and go with 2 Slayers.

I've found that they are key to the Dwarf game, they can take down anything and frenzy is an amazing skill for them.

Get teh apoth first, then save for more rerolls.
Heroic_Tackle - Jun 14, 2006 - 02:50 AM
Post subject:
Looks good, IMO. I started in the same way with my LRB 4-Dwarves.
nyarlathotep - Jun 14, 2006 - 05:33 AM
Post subject:
If you're going to be up against Khemri, undead, orcs, lizardmen, or really anyone other than elves & amazons, the second slayer is really needed.
Glorian_Underhill - Jun 14, 2006 - 06:38 AM
Post subject:
I underline that!

Sure slayers with their av8 are not the hardest out there, their dauntless in combination with some guard players rocks.

And if you want to play dwarfs right then remeber that the 2 paces on the sidelines are the hunting ground for your slayers.

"Crowdsurf? Anyone!?"
daner0023 - Jun 15, 2006 - 02:56 PM
Post subject: Stronger Team on Field
I can see everyone's point on the 2nd slayer. Going without an apothecary I am trying to limit the number of AV 8 guys I have on the line taking hits. Having 4 expensive guys with AV 8 w/o an apothecary is risky. I figured after I got my apothecary I could save up for my slayer ans should have him for game 4. That will give me him for 12 games, the mid season tourney and the playoffs. After I have him I should be able to save for my Deathroller and buy more Rerolls. I can level him up quickly because we are choosing our MVP's. One casualty and he has a skill. I am thinking Strip Ball or Mighty Blow as his first skill up, any suggestions? If I get doubles I was thinking Jump Up/Diving Tackle would be a good choice.
Kheldar - Jun 19, 2006 - 06:52 AM
Post subject: Re: Stronger Team on Field
      daner0023 wrote:
I can see everyone's point on the 2nd slayer. Going without an apothecary I am trying to limit the number of AV 8 guys I have on the line taking hits. Having 4 expensive guys with AV 8 w/o an apothecary is risky. I figured after I got my apothecary I could save up for my slayer ans should have him for game 4. That will give me him for 12 games, the mid season tourney and the playoffs. After I have him I should be able to save for my Deathroller and buy more Rerolls. I can level him up quickly because we are choosing our MVP's. One casualty and he has a skill. I am thinking Strip Ball or Mighty Blow as his first skill up, any suggestions? If I get doubles I was thinking Jump Up/Diving Tackle would be a good choice.

If you can choose a deathroller, and Jump UP with dwarfs, i asume you are playing LRB5. There it is not needed to start with FF 9. Get the slayer instead.
daner0023 - Jun 21, 2006 - 10:15 PM
Post subject: LRB5
Yes we will be using the new rules, as long as they are official by August.
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