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Strategy and Tactics - What is the big deal with Rat Ogres?

ArachnoBlood - Mar 29, 2003 - 05:28 PM
Post subject: What is the big deal with Rat Ogres?
So I have a rat Ogre on my skaven team. I have played 3 games with him so far, and nothing bad has happened with him. So why the big hatred for the Rat ogre??

Do my opponents not know how to exploit him? Twisted Evil
Longshot - Mar 29, 2003 - 06:01 PM
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Rat Ogre are very powerfull imho
SBG - Mar 29, 2003 - 08:30 PM
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Once you get Block, RO are the best BG.

AG 3... Can help you in desperate situations !

skummy - Mar 29, 2003 - 10:14 PM
Post subject:

Do my opponents not know how to exploit him?

ArachnoBlood: It's quite possible. The best way to exploit a RO is to tempt him forward and put another big guy on him. He's got to make a one die block that has either a 1:6 of turning over, or a 2:6 if he doesn't have block. Good coaches will make sure they have a player behind their big guy to ensure that it's two die their choice after the frenzy pushback. I think that Wild Animal is the most limiting of all the negatraits.
ArachnoBlood - Mar 29, 2003 - 10:26 PM
Post subject:
Ahhh... Putting a big guy on the RO is a good strategy. I had a situation when a coach put 5 guys on the RO and then, when the RO made a block, they all assisted the player. Needless to say, RO went down and my turn was over. Evil or Very Mad I was worried that it would be a lonnng game at that point, but the other player never replayed that strategy. I was lucky. Twisted Evil
skummy - Mar 29, 2003 - 10:34 PM
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Apparently so... but while your league works out ways to deal with your rampaging beast, you can get him block and pro so that you can manage him somewhat better once they do.

Getting a teammate Leader would also help, since the Rat Ogre can use the help. Wink

EDIT: WA's really show their weakness when faced with superior strength. If your league allows Star Players to be freebooted, expect to see one of the 6 strength players in the playoffs. When a ST 6 player is on the pitch, it's generally better to leave the WA off.
GalakStarscraper - Mar 30, 2003 - 06:55 AM
Post subject:
      skummy wrote:
When a ST 6 player is on the pitch, it's generally better to leave the WA off.

Thrud like Rat Ogre .... tastes like Chicken ... Laughing

Ratin_Mutants - Mar 30, 2003 - 11:15 PM
Post subject:
Well my experience is that the Rat Ogre is most dangerous while playing against elves, the elves can blitz one of the players that is supposed to protect the RO, and then lend assists to the coming Block.

I do not like the WA traits, let make that clear from the start..why?

Because you HAVE to go first... it is so much against the game logic, that haveing your RO way back on the pitch, and a rat able to score the next turn, your opponent has a good chance to get a turnover because he runes down to the RO.

If I had my way, the WA would become a 1-3 roll at the start on the turn, and the WA has to go first, 4-6. His a little calm, and can move whenever you want.

Last game I played, was against a Undead team, and while blocking Ghouls that does not have block, my RO has still not block (snif), he went down 6 times in the match, all of them where 2 dice blocks....somehow, by brilliant tactic, and by poor play of my opponent I managed to win 2-1 and survive with 3-3 in cas. Inflicting and getting one Nig.
SBG - Mar 31, 2003 - 12:07 PM
Post subject:
The WA is totally insane and suffering from megalomania at the same time ! He doesn't wish any assistance and wishes to go first all the time! He doesn't feel he belongs to the same group as the rest of the players on the field, so he do as he wishes, hence the "must play first" to represent that state of mind. I have a Mino myself, he before he got Block, he was a pain in the a$$. Now, he's feared, especially since he's closing on 16 SPP's and Pro (or Razor Sharp Claws on a double !!).

Melifaxis - Mar 31, 2003 - 02:50 PM
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      Concordia wrote:
The WA is totally insane and suffering from megalomania at the same time ! He doesn't wish any assistance and wishes to go first all the time! He doesn't feel he belongs to the same group as the rest of the players on the field, so he do as he wishes, hence the "must play first" to represent that state of mind. I have a Mino myself, he before he got Block, he was a pain in the a$$. Now, he's feared, especially since he's closing on 16 SPP's and Pro (or Razor Sharp Claws on a double !!).


How ironic that my minotaur is in the exact same situation. But isn't Piling on tempting you? Twisted Evil
Ratin_Mutants - Apr 01, 2003 - 09:43 AM
Post subject:
The funny part with my Ro is that his first skill was MA (CRAP) and his 2nd skill was AG (YES!) However due to the BONEHEAD of my fellow players, I was not allowed to get another skill instead of AG... However He has enough SPP to get Block, in the nex match.. FINALLY!
Doubleskulls - Apr 01, 2003 - 11:04 AM
Post subject:
You know you can take normal skills for any roll under LRB 2.0. It was one of the changes.
SBG - Apr 01, 2003 - 01:39 PM
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How ironic that my minotaur is in the exact same situation. But isn't Piling on tempting you? Twisted Evil[/quote]

Yes it is. It depends if one of my other players roll a double to get leader prior to my Mino rolling his next skill. Could you imagine Piling On and RSC ?!?! Killing machine pops to mind ! Twisted Evil

Melifaxis - Apr 01, 2003 - 03:20 PM
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I kept trying to hand the ball off to my mino for a TD last game, but kept dropping it (opponent only had a few guys left so I was pretty much guaranteed to score). Luckily it bounced to one of my CD's who managed to pick it up and score the next turn. Then the same thing happened again! At least my new CD has guard now.
Squiggoth - Apr 02, 2003 - 01:37 AM
Post subject:
Hehehe - I like rat-ogres. They're always dead before turn 4, leaving my opponents with a VERY weak front line (all hail Goblin hit squads and Skaven coaches who insist on using Rat Ogres in one-off games!)
Valen - Apr 02, 2003 - 02:36 AM
Post subject:
Bottom line is Rat Ogres are fun, they are either very annoying if you can't issolate them Mad , or very funny if you do issolate them and they cause the skaven coach endless amount of turnovers Laughing .
SBG - Apr 02, 2003 - 08:20 AM
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Nice Avatar Valen !

Valen - Apr 02, 2003 - 10:02 AM
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Cheers Concordia,

I can't take credit though, it was supplied by Deathwing!
jmccubbin - Apr 04, 2003 - 10:07 AM
Post subject:
My first roll for my RO was 6,6. Box cars. I took Razor Sharp Fangs. Boy did that make a huge difference. Talk about fear, people run from him. He averages 4 casuties a game.
Nobby - Apr 08, 2003 - 05:16 AM
Post subject:
Why the big hatred for Rat Ogres? I'll tell ya why mate :/
I run a skaven team with 2 ROs. 1 of those rat ogres has played 11 games for a total of ONLY 2 Friggin casualties (and 1 MVP - so he has block). My second RO has played a meagre 4 games for a grand total of ZERO casualties. So why the hatred? the f'in bastards can't hurt $h1t!!!
Doubleskulls - Apr 08, 2003 - 06:26 AM
Post subject:
      jmccubbin wrote:
My first roll for my RO was 6,6. Box cars. I took Razor Sharp Fangs. Boy did that make a huge difference. Talk about fear, people run from him. He averages 4 casuties a game.

Well if you are playing LRB - I'd strongly have suggested taking +ST. It makes it much harder for anyone to swarm them and stop him being man-marked by another Big Guy (apart from Trees).
Dave - Apr 10, 2003 - 03:53 AM
Post subject:
      Concordia wrote:
How ironic that my minotaur is in the exact same situation. But isn't Piling on tempting you? Twisted Evil

Yes it is. It depends if one of my other players roll a double to get leader prior to my Mino rolling his next skill. Could you imagine Piling On and RSC ?!?! Killing machine pops to mind ! Twisted Evil


met it, hate it
Squiggoth - Apr 10, 2003 - 04:39 AM
Post subject:
      Nobby wrote:
Why the big hatred for Rat Ogres? I'll tell ya why mate :/
I run a skaven team with 2 ROs. 1 of those rat ogres has played 11 games for a total of ONLY 2 Friggin casualties (and 1 MVP - so he has block). My second RO has played a meagre 4 games for a grand total of ZERO casualties. So why the hatred? the f'in bastards can't hurt $h1t!!!

I'm probably thinking very dumb, but how can you have two Rat Ogres in your team? Confused
Redfang - Apr 10, 2003 - 04:48 AM
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I was wondering about that too...

Squiggoth - Apr 10, 2003 - 05:24 AM
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Guess I'm not the only dumb one then Wink
Puckohue - Apr 10, 2003 - 02:51 PM
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      Concordia wrote:
He doesn't feel he belongs to the same group as the rest of the players on the field

What kind of players are they? I sure never played with them! Laughing Confused
snew - Apr 10, 2003 - 02:57 PM
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Is that your fish Arachnoblood? Very nice. What part of the country are you in?
ArachnoBlood - Apr 12, 2003 - 09:09 PM
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I live in Alaska. The fish is an 30" Arctic Char I caught that fish in Northern Alaska above the Arctic Circle. I got another fish that is 32". About 10-12 lbs. Thanks for the compliments, I am just lucky to be up here where the fish are big and beautiful. Very Happy

So, is the only way to get rid of the bad traits of big guys is to earn double the normal SPP's and then be lucky enough to roll doubles?? The rat ogre, after playing in 5 games, is proving to be quite the pain in my a$$. He is going to get the block skill, unless I roll doubles, and then the wild animal trait is going bye bye.
kjonesin - Apr 13, 2003 - 11:36 AM
Post subject:
      jmccubbin wrote:
My first roll for my RO was 6,6. Box cars. I took Razor Sharp Fangs. Boy did that make a huge difference. Talk about fear, people run from him. He averages 4 casuties a game.

you didn't take strength? *cries*
snew - Apr 13, 2003 - 12:47 PM
Post subject:
      ArachnoBlood wrote:
So, is the only way to get rid of the bad traits of big guys is to earn double the normal SPP's and then be lucky enough to roll doubles?? The rat ogre, after playing in 5 games, is proving to be quite the pain in my a$$. He is going to get the block skill, unless I roll doubles, and then the wild animal trait is going bye bye.

That was the old, 4th ed, rule. Under LRB rules, there's no way to loose the negative traits. The only things you can do is minimize them. Block is a good start. I took piling on first though. I figured it would help to get to the second skill roll a little faster and it has the added benefit of putting him on the deck so he doesn't have that compulsory hit.
coachblacknife - Apr 15, 2003 - 03:25 AM
Post subject: Re: What is the big deal with Rat Ogres?
      ArachnoBlood wrote:
So I have a rat Ogre on my skaven team. I have played 3 games with him so far, and nothing bad has happened with him. So why the big hatred for the Rat ogre??

Do my opponents not know how to exploit him? Twisted Evil

How to toy with the Skaven... send in enough players to get a one die block (better of course is 2-dice, you choose). End your turn, then watch your opponent sweat. "Both Down you say? Don't mind if I do. My turn again already?" and if that didn't work, follow it with "Ahh a pushback, well looks like you have to Block *again* and..." >grin<

Basically the Skaven have to make sure their opponents don't get a chance to do this as losing your whole turn, well, blows. Their opponent should try their damndest to pull it off! I tend to use my WA only when receiving. Leave the sucker in the back field and scare the bejesus out of my opponent's catchers. On offence he sits in the Reserves box and I can get on with planning the TD.
jmccubbin - Apr 15, 2003 - 08:13 AM
Post subject:
      kjonesin wrote:
      jmccubbin wrote:
My first roll for my RO was 6,6. Box cars. I took Razor Sharp Fangs. Boy did that make a huge difference. Talk about fear, people run from him. He averages 4 casuties a game.

you didn't take strength? *cries*

I added my rat Ogre after my Stormvermin had guard. I did not notice the need for Strength. Now that I started a new league, I see the definate need for strength. RO plays saftey until I get guard on my stormvermin.
mroswick - Apr 17, 2003 - 08:36 PM
Post subject:
Yeah, one of the Skaven players in our league doesn't really turn him loose until he's developed a Stormvermin "bodyguard" with Guard.

He knows how to hide him pretty well and protect him from harm, and still pick up the Cas by the truckload.
hoxworth - Apr 19, 2003 - 03:07 PM
Post subject:
I don't know. I've found that Gus (my rat ogre) is perhaps my most important player on the team, if not because he's a HUGE distraction to coaches in my league. If the other player doesn't have a big guy, he has to devote quite a few members of his team to make wild animal a nasty situation for me; I generally place him far away from my main strategy. With block, I generally have decent chances to survive the wild animal, and then have a clear path to the endzone since all of his guys are playing with my WA.

Of course, it helps that my Rat Ogre got a +STR on his 2nd roll, too...
Darkson - Apr 19, 2003 - 06:23 PM
Post subject:
      Squiggoth wrote:
      Nobby wrote:
Why the big hatred for Rat Ogres? I'll tell ya why mate :/
I run a skaven team with 2 ROs. 1 of those rat ogres has played 11 games for a total of ONLY 2 Friggin casualties (and 1 MVP - so he has block). My second RO has played a meagre 4 games for a grand total of ZERO casualties. So why the hatred? the f'in bastards can't hurt $h1t!!!

I'm probably thinking very dumb, but how can you have two Rat Ogres in your team? Confused

I can only think he's using the Clan Moulder roster in a skaven league, cause that's what I'm doing, and between them they've casued 0 cas Rolling Eyes

I find the easiest way to distract I RO is to place a huge lump of chedder in front of them Wink
Fozzybear76 - Apr 28, 2003 - 01:30 PM
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      mroswick wrote:
Yeah, one of the Skaven players in our league doesn't really turn him loose until he's developed a Stormvermin "bodyguard" with Guard.

He knows how to hide him pretty well and protect him from harm, and still pick up the Cas by the truckload.

What is the purpose of the Stormvermin with Guard as per the LRB, Wild Animals do not receive assists when throwing block? I prefer to use my Stormvermin with Guard as tight ends to help open a hole for the Gutter Runners.
skummy - Apr 28, 2003 - 01:32 PM
Post subject:
I guess that the guard makes it harder for other big guys to hit the RO, and keeps the opposition from getting assists on the RO.
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