NAF World Headquarters

North America - Blood Bowl Tournament 07/22/2006 in Greenville SC

Sugarwookie - Jul 05, 2006 - 10:23 PM
Post subject: Blood Bowl Tournament 07/22/2006 in Greenville SC
This is for the third annual tournament we throw as a prequel to the upcoming league at Borderlands Comics and Games. The tourney will be a three round day, with swiss style being used in addition to "Ressurection" rules as well. Gaming will start at 11am sharp and you should bring your team as well as a roster that is legal by 4th edition rules. All teams legal are allowed. Star Players are banned, although you can use Big Guys (If normally allowed by your team) as well as apothecaries and team wizards.
The entry fee will be $10.00 which goes entirely to the prize room. We'd love to have some new blood show up this year and if you have any questions drop me an e-mail for anything you might be curious about.

David Baity
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