NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Bouncing Ball question

crazylegs - Jul 10, 2006 - 04:21 PM
Post subject: Bouncing Ball question
Okay had this come up the other night, and we couldn't come to a consensus agreement which was correct...

The situation: a player knocks the balls loose and it bounces to a player on the moving team who then fails to pick it up, and it then bounces to an open square.

The sides: One coach said this was a turnover because any time a player on the moving team fails to pick up a ball it is a turnover. The other coach said that it wasn't because it was a forced "out of the normal procedure of events" type of roll, and since no overt decision had been made to pick up the ball, that it wasn't a turnover...

Who is correct, and why?
Darkson - Jul 10, 2006 - 04:54 PM
Post subject:
You only make a Pick Up roll when you enter the square where the ball is resting.
If the ball enters your square, it's a Catch roll, which is never a TO on it's own.
Clan_Skaven - Jul 10, 2006 - 05:06 PM
Post subject:
Darkson is right!

If I had an assitant, I'd have them bring you a prize! Laughing

Spazzfist - Jul 10, 2006 - 05:56 PM
Post subject:
To clarify, it is NOT a turnover.
GalakStarscraper - Jul 10, 2006 - 08:22 PM
Post subject: Re: Bouncing Ball question
      crazylegs wrote:
The situation: a player knocks the balls loose and it bounces to a player on the moving team who then fails to pick it up

Just to be clear ... as Darkson said ... there is the point of your confusion ... its it not a failed pickup ... it is a failed catch and the turnover list does not have failing a catch roll on the list.

crazylegs - Jul 11, 2006 - 09:48 PM
Post subject:
Thank you, that was the crux of our argument (whether it was a "pick up" or "catch")... now I can go back and say "na na" you were wrong. Thanks guys.
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