NAF World Headquarters

General - Talkbloodbowl

Ironjaw - Jul 26, 2006 - 12:54 PM
Post subject: Talkbloodbowl
Any news on whats wrong with the forum..?

Hope i'm not being cheeky asking on this site...

Spazzfist - Jul 26, 2006 - 01:27 PM
Post subject: Re: Talkbloodbowl
      toolate4lenny wrote:
Any news on whats wrong with the forum..?

Hope i'm not being cheeky asking on this site...


Not cheeky, although it does have a hint of "sauciness" about it. Wink

Actually if you look further down I believe you will find a thread called "Talkbloodbowl is Down" or something to that effect. So others have done so. It's not like there are competitive businesses or anything!
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