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Strategy and Tactics - Necro and 5.0

Rottweilerrme - Aug 29, 2006 - 06:42 PM
Post subject: Necro and 5.0
With the 5.0 rulebook what do some of you consider the stanard for a necromantic ,cause I have three or four versions, in a league thats goes from 18-20 games not including playoffs.
PinkHorror - Aug 31, 2006 - 03:12 AM
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Would you like to share your 3 or 4 versions to start the discussion?
Buggrit - Sep 01, 2006 - 04:52 AM
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I've decided that I'll run a Necromantic team at some point, but have gone all out on the positionals leaving an 11 man squad to start with, but with zombies being so cheap I'll soon bulk out the squad with a few reserves. Currently it's 2 Golems, 2 Weres, 2 Wights, 2 Ghouls and 3 Zombies with 1 re-roll and a FF of 3 (I think)
Rottweilerrme - Sep 02, 2006 - 06:56 PM
Post subject:
I've done one that had one were and a golem 2 wights and a ghoul. One with no weres or golems just wights, ghouls and zombies. One with both weres no golems, 1 wight and both ghouls and zombies. The last one with 2 golems and wights and 1 ghoul and zombies. All of them have about 3 RR, and a FF or 4-6.
War_Child - Sep 03, 2006 - 12:51 AM
Post subject:
      Buggrit wrote:
I've decided that I'll run a Necromantic team at some point, but have gone all out on the positionals leaving an 11 man squad to start with, but with zombies being so cheap I'll soon bulk out the squad with a few reserves. Currently it's 2 Golems, 2 Weres, 2 Wights, 2 Ghouls and 3 Zombies with 1 re-roll and a FF of 3 (I think)

That's the same set up that I started with for my new Necro team and it works well enough to start. Though, I probably will grab an extra RR before I start bulking on zombies. Hopefully I can do enough damage in the first couple of games to get one or two for free via the necromancer.
Buggrit - Sep 05, 2006 - 06:53 AM
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Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for too... (breaks out the loaded dice for any injury rolls...)
Spazzfist - Oct 18, 2006 - 09:14 AM
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Does the same team apply well to an LRB5 tourney?
Rottweilerrme - Oct 18, 2006 - 09:52 AM
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Not sure only been able to play tournaments on fumbbl Rolling Eyes
Spazzfist - Oct 18, 2006 - 12:15 PM
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Thinking about it some more, and I might almost be willing to get the 2nd RR right away and forgo the second wolf, which I would purchase ASAP.

To me 1 RR just seems too little.
Rottweilerrme - Oct 18, 2006 - 02:41 PM
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At times for me 2 can be to little, due to no immediate sure handers for the ball. Nuffle loves me Wink
Skarsnikk - Oct 30, 2006 - 09:33 AM
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My starting team for my league is:
2 werewolves
2 wights
2 ghouls
1 flesh golem
4 zombies
2 re-roll
3 fan factor

for a 1.1 mil tournie I took the same list with 1 less FF and another flesh golem.
Kwek - Oct 30, 2006 - 02:50 PM
Post subject:
you are all going to laugh now Surprised)
But I actually ran a 2x Werewolf , and only zombies with a horde of RR Necro team in LRB 4.0

giving the issue that DP was better then doesnt leave the fact that I won my first 2 games. How ? Tangle people up with zombos, foul from time to time to get stuns, and just run with that forrest gump wolf.

Now in the new rulez (with the loss of catch) ... I still think the team can be great at the start with 2 wolves, and 1 or 2 wights (havent counted it out with the expensive new zombie rule)... get the gollems latter on, and buy lots of RR.

For some reason, RRs are the key for a necro team cause they actually have 2 good blitzers (wights with block).
Use wolves for crowd pushing and scoring, Tangle people up with zombos as much as you can.
bampf - Nov 01, 2006 - 02:22 PM
Post subject:
I think 3 RRs are essential for necros. With no ball handling skills and little block expect a lot of turnovers with two or less. Plus 140k is a lot to save up for later on when trying to fill in those missing positionals.
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