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General - University League Help&Advice

skatingtortoise - Sep 20, 2006 - 10:20 AM
Post subject: University League Help&Advice
im soon to be moving to the prestigious University of Bristol, and am a die-hard bloodbowler, with 7 teams and counting.

my plan is to join the uni gaming society, and try to introduce them to bloodbowl (ninja stealth style)

so has anyone got any tips for introducing people to the game? any idea for setting up a good league?

my current plans are see what they have going at the moment, and from there give them rulebook links etc, run a demo game, see whos interested, and then either buy 1-2 box sets or a load of boards etc from tritex's site.

also if anyone here knows any leagues/players currently in bristol, id love to hear from you and try to sort out a game!
TuernRedvenom - Sep 23, 2006 - 10:30 AM
Post subject:
Play a few demo games, drink beer while playing them (seriously, being serious puts people off) and laugh a lot about everything that goes wrong in your team. People will love it!
Doubleskulls - Sep 24, 2006 - 11:17 PM
Post subject:
If you want to get a lot of people to play a little I tried 11 goblins against a standard starting human roster (no BG). Just play until someone (them scores) - then get the next one to play.
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