NAF World Headquarters

General - Looking for Human Minis!

DarkDancer17 - Oct 11, 2006 - 12:42 PM
Post subject: Looking for Human Minis!
Hey folks,

I'm looking for a few miniatures from the slightly older human model line - the one previous to this spiky edition...

I'm looking for two blitzers, and a thrower ... heck, even Griff or Zug would work in a pinch for the Blitzers.

Let me know if you are looking to trade or sell... Smile

aerofool - Oct 12, 2006 - 04:58 PM
Post subject:
are you talking about the 3rd ed ones (Lion heads on shoulders) or the 2nd ed (look like the newest ones but more bulkier)?
Deathwing - Oct 12, 2006 - 07:10 PM
Post subject:
GW US online still carry them (I'm guessing you mean the previous metal humans?

They don't appear on the UK online store through the menus, but you can try pasting the part numbers from the US site into the UK search engine, for example pasting 9947099903708 into the uk search engine brings up Blitzer 2 and 9947099903709 Blitzer 3.
DarkDancer17 - Oct 13, 2006 - 08:50 AM
Post subject:
Thanks all! I think I found them - I was talking about the ones with the Lions... Smile
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