NAF World Headquarters

Rules Questions - Piling On

smeborg - Oct 12, 2006 - 02:47 PM
Post subject: Piling On
Just started playing a new league using 5.0 with my Undead team The Daisy Pushers.

The revised Piling On rule looks quite powerful (re-roll Armour or Injury roll). However:

Do you have to decide to use Piling On before rolling the first Armour roll, or can you wit until you fail an Armour or Injury roll before deciding whether or not to use Pling On? I know this has chopped and changed over the years, but the 5.0 rule does not appear clear.

Thanks for your help.

Spazzfist - Oct 12, 2006 - 03:37 PM
Post subject:
You would wait to see what the result is before you use the Piling On skill. And from what I understand, this has not chopped and changed, because it is important to know whether or not you need to use the skill before you actually use it!
Doubleskulls - Oct 13, 2006 - 03:22 AM
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5.0 rules are

Buggrit - Oct 13, 2006 - 03:41 AM
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Yay.... Guess what I'm giving my BO with Jump Up as his next skill?
smeborg - Oct 13, 2006 - 12:25 PM
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Thanks Ian and others.

That's great.

I notice I asked the question on Friday 13th - most appropriate.


Notorious_jtb - Dec 06, 2006 - 08:59 AM
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I have a question, just want to check that if you use fend to prevent a follow up, then piling on cannot be used against you, is this right?

Spazzfist - Dec 06, 2006 - 09:03 AM
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It would seem to make sense. Curious to hear the consensus on this one.
Mootaz - Dec 06, 2006 - 09:18 AM
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That is one of the main applications of Fend. To Pile On you have to be adjacent to the knocked down player. If he used Fend you are not adjacent to him.
Exception: If you used Grab to keep him near you, then you can use PO without having followed up.
Notorious_jtb - Dec 06, 2006 - 09:35 AM
Post subject:
Yes the use of grab would work. But if you have side step and fend, then no one can pile on against you.

Ah LRB5, gotta to love all the fun combos!

Cramy - Dec 06, 2006 - 11:57 AM
Post subject:
Yes, you're right. The combination of Side Step and Fend would cancel-out Grab and Piling-On.

I checked Juggernaut now, as it cancels-out Fend. If the player is blitzing and has Juggernaut and Piling-On, then Side Step and Fend won't help, except that the side-stepper will get to chose where he gets piled-on. Smile
Styfen - Dec 06, 2006 - 12:09 PM
Post subject:
Thanks for checking that Cramy, I'm glad that Side Step + Fend does have some answer to it even if it requires a blitz. Now we just need an answer to Side Steppers who like to loiter one square away from the side lines (meaning they can't ever be crowd surfed) Very Happy
Spazzfist - Dec 06, 2006 - 12:50 PM
Post subject:
      Styfen wrote:
Thanks for checking that Cramy, I'm glad that Side Step + Fend does have some answer to it even if it requires a blitz. Now we just need an answer to Side Steppers who like to loiter one square away from the side lines (meaning they can't ever be crowd surfed) Very Happy

B ut if you have grab, then you cancel the side-step and go for regular push.

Alternatively, you can just occupy every other space, and then they have no choice - a bit extreme, but I've seen it done! Depends on how bad you want that guy out!
Styfen - Dec 06, 2006 - 01:31 PM
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They're one square away from the sidelines. You can take the regular push to move them against the side lines, but you can't try to surf them till your next turn, and only if they stay put.

I was refering to the fact that Frenzy + Grab can't be taken together to cancel out Side Stepping. Sad
Spazzfist - Dec 06, 2006 - 01:42 PM
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Well again it depends on how much work you want to put into it - but if you have the other on the side lines waiting for them, then the grabber can push them to the side, and then one of the others can hit him in (provided there are no other squares to side step to).
Cramy - Dec 06, 2006 - 07:57 PM
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The only thing that I can think of is one guy with Juggernaut, and a bunch of guys with Grab. The Juggernaut guy pushes the side stepper next the the Grab guys, and the Grab guys do the crowd pushing.

I'm actually thinking of giving grab to some of my BoBs, but for foul setups against non-side steppers. Opponent puts TZ on corner of cage, block the fella and grab him in the middle of the cage, block again until he falls, then foul with assists.
Spazzfist - Dec 07, 2006 - 06:57 AM
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Wow, what we will do do get rid of a side-stepper! Not a whole lot of love for them! Laughing
Cramy - Dec 07, 2006 - 08:17 AM
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Agreed. Side step by itself ain't so bad, but what I have found is that side step is often given to players who already have block and dodge. Any player with those 3 skills should die. Unless they are mine of course Smile
Styfen - Dec 07, 2006 - 08:30 AM
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It's Blodging Side Steppers I hate, especially the ones with Guard. Nothing irritates me more than Blodge, Side Step, Guard. Laughing That combo has cost me Touchdowns.

My solution is to send a Tackle/MB player after them and if I get the chance (which is always kinda hard cause they choose where to fall over) then give them a generous bit of boot leather until they go away.
Frantic - Jul 15, 2008 - 06:01 PM
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ok, might be a stupid question... But here we go: P-O will let you use a RR to reroll a armour (or injury) dice(s) or or is it just to reroll the dice(s)?
Spazzfist - Jul 15, 2008 - 07:16 PM
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It is a free reroll of the dice, like a Dodge skill will give you a free reroll versus a failed dodge move. You do not need to use a team RR.

If you knock the opponent down, you can choose to use the skill to reroll an armour or injury as (and if) needed.
Frantic - Jul 15, 2008 - 11:23 PM
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      Spazzfist wrote:
It is a free reroll of the dice, like a Dodge skill will give you a free reroll versus a failed dodge move. You do not need to use a team RR.

If you knock the opponent down, you can choose to use the skill to reroll an armour or injury as (and if) needed.

Ok, thx! Smile
StaceyHerbert54 - Aug 21, 2008 - 02:39 AM
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Here is one for you, I have a blitzer with piling on, call a blitz and use it but still have 3 squares of movement left to stand up afterwards. Can I?
Rick287 - Aug 21, 2008 - 03:02 AM
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No, standing up can only be done at the start of a player's action. This is the reason i didn't give PO to a Witch Elf who rolled a double.
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