NAF World Headquarters

North America - The Bar Brawl (Tourney)- Wilkes-Barre, PA-Jan 13-14

Comrade Hondo - Oct 16, 2006 - 08:22 AM
Post subject: The Bar Brawl (Tourney)- Wilkes-Barre, PA-Jan 13-14
Prepare yourselves for what might well be the most exciting Blood Bowl tourney to be held on the weekend of Jan 13th!!!!

**EDIT-We are now NAF approved!!**

The North End Blood Bowl league will be hosting this tourney at a no longer operational bar in Wilkes-Barre, PA--only a short drive from scenic Scranton PA and the Nanticoke tire fire!

Our website is up and is taking applications:

A full copy of the rules, agenda and location information can be viewed there.

This will be an LRB 5.0 Tourney

We are waiting on NAF approval.

A Pro-Painted team will be part of the prizes--with a second pro-painted team to be offered once we get 16 sign ups.

Tourney cost: 30$---price includes lunch for both days,a custom beer mug as a participation gift, and liquid refreshments to be consumed during the tourney. Of course beer will be included-this is a bar brawl afterall. Underagers are welcome but will not be allowed to imbibe alcohol-I will be checking IDs.

Highlights of the ruleset:

TV 100
Inducements may be purchased save Cards and Star Players
Kick-off table: Blitz, Perfect Defense, GtR toned down
3 normal skills selected before Game 1
1 stack/double/10 (AV+ or MA+) skill for non Big Guy at end of day 1

No Championship game
All Casualties suffered (blocking, fouling, failed actions, crowd) count toward beat-down bonus and tie breaks.

Here are some pics of the teams up as prizes:

Halfling Team

Amazon Team

Any questions/concerns please email me at

**A special thank you to Jeremy(bampf) and the rest of the guys at The Adventurer's Guild for helping me get the ball rolling on this with great advice and The Mafia Massacre rule set which I blatantly ripped off!!**

-Brandon McCabe
a.k.a. Comrade Hondo
zbyshko - Oct 16, 2006 - 05:50 PM
Post subject:
"a no longer operational bar in Wilkes-Barre"?

interesting! i grew up in W-B and there's more operational bars than i can count on my abacus.

my team is not made of GW figure - Shadowforge Nuns, actually - is that acceptable? i field them as a Human team.
Zinak - Oct 17, 2006 - 07:20 AM
Post subject:
Heheh I hope Hondo does not get mad that I answer this... HELL YES you can use the Nuns...

Heh Hondo is it kewl if zbyshko fields the nuns :>

Comrade Hondo - Oct 17, 2006 - 07:56 AM
Post subject:

Sure the nuns are ok!--It might give me flashbacks to my Catholic school upbringing*shivers* but they work for me. The bar is Bobby's Place in Norht End wilkes-Barre--across the street from the Slovak Club if that helps. The place is no longer functioning as a bar but most of the "bar stuff" is still there and makes a great location for get togethers.

Zinak!!!---How dare you!!!! I am the MASTER of all things Nun related and for you to speak on my behalf for such matters hurts my soul!! hehe--I guess I'm gonna have to go have a good cry now or something:)

-Brandon McCabe
a.k.a. Comrade Hondo
jaylazer - Oct 17, 2006 - 10:04 AM
Post subject:
Hey Guys,

I am most likely going to make this tournament. Should be tons of fun.

I had a few questions though.

Is there anyway we could start earlier on Sunday? Your schedule says 11 AM to 7 PM. It would be nice to get home as early as possible. Some of the coaches in my league have kids and the like.
Comrade Hondo - Oct 17, 2006 - 01:24 PM
Post subject:

I don't see a problem with starting a bit earlier--perhaps around 10am. I just mentioned until 7pm to be safe--it shouldn't run that late plus from what I've seen the time alotted for lunch never gets fully used up. I also threw in much more time for awards/closing. A liberal estimate of getting done if we start at 10am would be 4:30-5:00(probably sooner depending on the speed of the games). I think 10 would be reasonable-just in case we have people driving both days-want to give them time to get here:)

Let me know if this works for you-then I'll make the needed adjustments. The tourney is still a ways off and a time change for Sun wouldn't hurt anyone.

Brandon McCabe
a.k.a Comrade Hondo
jaylazer - Oct 18, 2006 - 06:27 AM
Post subject:
10 to 5 would be just fine for me.

I'm not one of the guys that has kids but that should be enough time to get them home before the kids go to bed.

I've got at least one of other guy coming with me, probably two.
Hoshi_Komi - Oct 18, 2006 - 10:28 AM
Post subject:
      jaylazer wrote:
10 to 5 would be just fine for me.

I'm not one of the guys that has kids but that should be enough time to get them home before the kids go to bed.

I've got at least one of other guy coming with me, probably two.

the Champ has spoken!

wish I could make it but I'll probably be underwater.....
bampf - Oct 18, 2006 - 02:44 PM
Post subject:
Expect a nice size contigent from the Harrisburg Mafia. I d assume at least 3-4 and maybe as many as 6-10.
KarlLagerbottom - Oct 21, 2006 - 06:03 AM
Post subject:
      gken1 wrote:
      jaylazer wrote:
10 to 5 would be just fine for me.

I'm not one of the guys that has kids but that should be enough time to get them home before the kids go to bed.

I've got at least one of other guy coming with me, probably two.

the Champ has spoken!

wish I could make it but I'll probably be underwater.....

Funny, but that just sounded like

"Blub Blub Blub"...either you're underwater already, or you fear The Champ. Smile
KarlLagerbottom - Oct 21, 2006 - 06:04 AM
Post subject:
      bampf wrote: many as 6-10.

SuM...this means you pal!
DITTO for SteelThunder!
zbyshko - Oct 22, 2006 - 12:20 AM
Post subject:
how many folks from Wilkes-Barre are expected? never even knew there was other BB players besides the few in our leagues. how long have you all been doing this? admittedly it's my fault for dropping out of the gaming scene the last few years.

i may have to do a little schedule juggling - damn! going to miss a double-time sunday at work! when did monetary greed exceed my gaming greed? is this the sign i'm aging poorly?
Comrade Hondo - Oct 23, 2006 - 03:05 PM
Post subject:
Well so far I have 6 signed on. I'm going to advertise up in Scranton at The Unknown(if they'll let me) for some fresh blood-and might even host a few training/warm up sessions.

We aren't part of any official gaming "scene" per se-we're just a group of friends who get together for some Blood Bowl once in a while(we had a league maybe a year ago). I dragged them all into the game and "forced" them to buy their teams:) Actually part of my reasoning for hosting this is to try and get new players in the area interested/network with existing players to try and get a league going with a good amount of players. If you still have contact with a few friends in NEPA who still play try to get them to come out--and afterwards if yer up for it we might get something going league wise.

With a little effort we might get something good Blood Bowl wise up and running in our section of the state. Harrisburg already has their crew-I would like to build something that emulates that nest of Blood Bowl fanatacism.

-A quick question- Does anyone know how I would go about getting this post stickied? It would be nice to get it on top for word spreading purposes.
Comrade Hondo - Oct 23, 2006 - 03:07 PM
Post subject:
      bampf wrote:
Expect a nice size contigent from the Harrisburg Mafia. I d assume at least 3-4 and maybe as many as 6-10.

I hope to see as many of you as possible!!! Just shoot me an email when ya'll are ready to sign on. The beer will flow like wine!-whatever that means.
zbyshko - Oct 24, 2006 - 11:20 AM
Post subject:
it's great to have such a long lead-time before the tournament! my friend and i are trying to jockey work schedules to get the weekend off. he works retail, so that's a rough thing to do.

now we need to get time for a few practice games. the Sisters are very out of shape!!
Comrade Hondo - Nov 01, 2006 - 06:48 AM
Post subject: Prize Support

Now we have prize support from both GW(thanks to Andy Hall) and Impact Miniatures(thanks to Tom Anders). All of the prizes came in and we're looking at an impressive prize pool(still including the 2 pro painted teams). I also ordered an Impact Night Elf team and a street brawl board as additional prizes. I will have pics and a detailed list on our website in a few days.

Brandon McCabe
a.k.a. Comrade Hondo
zbyshko - Nov 01, 2006 - 05:19 PM
Post subject:
"Now we have prize support from both..."

Comrade Hondo - Nov 28, 2006 - 07:50 AM
Post subject:
(cross posted on the main tourney forum as its own topic---copied for followers of this thread:)

We're hosting a day of Blood Bowl games in order to train newbies/refresh those out there that haven't played in a while in preparation for The Bar Brawl.


Bobby's Place
636 N Main St
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705
Yahoo map:,-75.863997

Date: Dec 16th
Time: 2pm

There will be drinks and some kind of pizza related food served. Anyone is welcome to attend as we are trying to spread the gospel of Blood Bowl to some new trainees---experienced players can drop by to get a few games in and meet some of the locals:)

Any questions/concerns just send me a PM or email me at

-Brandon McCabe a.k.a. Comrade Hondo
The Bar Brawl-Jan 13-14th Wilkes-Barre,PA
For info/sign up check out out website-
SuM - Nov 29, 2006 - 01:28 PM
Post subject:
Looks like a straight up I81 from Harrisburg...
How long did it take you and fans to get down to us??
Ranthorn - Nov 29, 2006 - 07:46 PM
Post subject: sign up
Is there a specific date we need to be signed up by? I'm not sure until my schedule comes out as to whether or not I'll have off and I can't actually ask off for the 13th (company policy....go figure). If I happen to get the 13th off I'll be taking the 14th off so that I can be there.

Comrade Hondo - Nov 30, 2006 - 05:37 AM
Post subject:
SuM--I think it was about 1.75-2 hrs if my memory serves me correctly. Yeah it it right up I81. Will you be dropping by for the practice day to get in a few games or for the tourney(or both?Smile?

Ranthorn--No need to plan too far in advance--we will even be accepting walk ins on the day of the event. I realize that sometimes work schedules can make things a bit tricky so we can be flexable on that front. The registering beforehand just makes it easier for me to get the right amount of supplies ready for the Brawl(food, soda, booze, etc..) Whenever you know you can make it just shoot me an email.

-Brandon McCabe
a.k.a. Comrade Hondo
SuM - Nov 30, 2006 - 06:51 AM
Post subject:
      Comrade Hondo wrote:
Will you be dropping by for the practice day to get in a few games or for the tourney(or both?Smile?

Sorry, not the Practice day, trust me I would love to make it up there.
The Many Christmas Parties I'm invited to are starting the weekend before that.

Here are the Christmas Parties on my schedule...
December 8th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 24th - 31th (the week between Christmas and New Years Eve I take vacation). Every night of my vacation someone in my family has a get together at their house.
And people wonder why I theme my High Elfs into the Christmas theme... heheheeeee...

I am trying for the Tournie, though...
I love BB Tournaments, although I can't make many of them. Two dayers are hard for me, being a married man and dealing with children visitation...
zbyshko - Dec 18, 2006 - 05:29 PM
Post subject:
so, how was the practice day for everyone?
i had to work evening shift so i couldn't come. i could have used the freshening of rules, but i needed the hours at work.
Comrade Hondo - Dec 19, 2006 - 04:56 AM
Post subject:
It worked out well. We had to dust the cobwebs off of a few of the guys but all together they're getting into fighting shape. I'm thinking we're gonna have another-less formal refresher day(after the holiday that is:) if your interested. Just shoot me a PM and I'm sure we can arrange something. There were a few others that couldn't make it and I'd like to make sure everyone is up to speed.

-Brandon McCabe
a.k.a. Comrade Hondo
bampf - Jan 11, 2007 - 09:13 AM
Post subject:
Most of the Mafia will be arriving Friday (cause we re too lazy to get up early Sat). We ll be staying at the Days Inn (we tried the Ramada but it was full). Anyone else heading up then? And recomendations for fine S-WB cuisine we should try, Brandon?

See everyone Saturday if not Friday!
Comrade Hondo - Jan 11, 2007 - 02:12 PM
Post subject:
I'm assuming you're going to be lodging at the Kidder Street Days Inn(as far as I know the only days inn in the area:). You will be right across the street from our shopping mall/chain restaraunt area--right in that vicinity is the usual lineup of chain restaruants-Friday's, Lonestar, Chili's, Olive Garden, etc...

If you are looking for some good local eats there are a few right in your area:

For Pizza-on the cheap side but a great sweet sauce try the Dough Company--its right on Kidder Street-just exit the Hotel and take a right onto Kidder St.---it will be on your right hand side just past the Burger King.

For Hibachi(my personal favorite)--Mirukuya Steakhouse--On Kidder St too---just take the right onto kidder again---turn left at the second light and its right there---good prices for Hibachi food too.

I can give you a few more suggestions depending on yer mood----IM gonna PM you my cell number---call me if you need anything-directions/more restaurants/suggestions if yer looking for a bar/club for the night just give me a call. I might come out to meet up with ya'll depending on what kind of mood my girlfriend is in---I might have to get some quality time in on fri in order to excuse my drunken nerdery for the rest of the weekend.

a.k.a. Comrade Hondo
KarlLagerbottom - Jan 11, 2007 - 06:41 PM
Post subject:
Drunken Nerdery seems like a pretty good name for the defunct tavern that is to be the venue of the tourney! Smile
bampf - Jan 12, 2007 - 02:09 PM
Post subject:
Due to works schedules we won t be arriving til pretty late, so we may be stuck eating wherever is open. I ll call if we have problems or need some culinary inspiration.

See ya soon!
Comrade Hondo - Jan 14, 2007 - 08:05 PM
Post subject:
The results are in!!!

Kason Karr (JKarr) takes home 1st place at the Bar Brawl with a commanding 4 win/1 tie record...
Jeremy Smith (bampf) comes in at 2nd with 4 wins and a loss---bampf also takes home the Most touchdowns award(11) and the best painted for his Mus Musculus Skaven team.
Most Brutal- Rob Ottaviano (KarlLagerbottom) with 18 CAS
Jay Deckman (Jaylazer) takes home the sportsmanship award and Pat Maloney(Mophorex) secures the NAF rookie of the tourney(out of 5 rookies).

Thanks to all that came and made my 1st hosted tourney a great event. I will be posting updates on the Bar Brawl website in a few days when I get the pictures ready.

-Brandon McCabe
a.k.a. Comrade Hondo
bampf - Jan 14, 2007 - 10:48 PM
Post subject:
Major Kudos to Comrade Brandon who went way above and beyond the call of duty on this, his first tourney! A ton of great prizes, Bar Brawl mugs (and lots of libations to fill them with), tons of food and snacks, a huge tourney trophy (most impressive of the two dozen or so tourneys I ve been to)... wow.

Hopefully this is the first of many and a step in the right direction in putting NE PA on the BloodBowl map. I and the rest of the Mafia had a fantastic time and look forward to next time!

Thanks again, Brandon!
KarlLagerbottom - Jan 15, 2007 - 01:00 AM
Post subject:
I totally agree...Brandon did an excellent job on this tourney based on any standard...given that it was his first, it was all the more impressive.

When I saw the cool trophy he had for "The Most Brutal" that definately helped to shape my tourney and properly motivated my boys. Smile

Brandon, I look forward to seeing you and the SWBoyz at The Phrakus and The Mafia Massacre.Thanks was a blast. Smile


Congrats to JKarr for taking the prize...Undead do me in at the final table again!

Ranthorn...I'll see your wigged-out runner again!
::shaking my fist::
zbyshko - Jan 16, 2007 - 08:22 PM
Post subject:
sorry i had to miss it - couldn't switch the weekend to off at work. glad to see my home town getting some gaming attention in a possitive light!

what were some genral statistics? number of participants, who traveled the furthest to get there, etc?

i hope when (note: _when not if Razz) another is held, i can get there

jaylazer - Jan 17, 2007 - 06:39 AM
Post subject:
First, I want to say that I had a great time. Another weekend spent hanging out and gaming with a lot of cool people. It was great meeting all of the Wilkes-Barre guys.

As for statistics, Brandon can fill in the rest of the details. There were 12 coaches plus Brandon. The teams present were
High Elf x2
Orc x2
Human x2
Undead x2
??? (Can't remember the last race)

Not sure who travelled the farthest. 2 came from Philly and 5 from Harrisburg. Looks like they are almost the same distance away.
KarlLagerbottom - Jan 17, 2007 - 09:51 AM
Post subject:
I think it was another Skaven team to round out the field.
bampf - Jan 17, 2007 - 02:56 PM
Post subject:
There were, in fact, 2 Skaven. Myself and a local.

Furthest drive was probably jkarr, who came with us from Lancaster by way of Harrisburg.
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