NAF World Headquarters

General - Badgering non-NAF coaches

Darkson - Oct 16, 2006 - 02:31 PM
Post subject: Badgering non-NAF coaches
[Copied from a rant I posted on TBB]

Spiky touney this weekend, and I'd finally got more than one club-mate interested in participating. In fact, including myself and a friend that's attended the last 4 with me, there were 6 of us (from a club of 8 regulars) going to Reading to join in the mayhem, and other than me, none are NAF.

On the way back on the Saturday night, and in the take away later, they were singing the praises of playing in tourneys, and 2 or 3 of them expressed an interest in joining the NAF, and attendinig more tourneys.

Then the crash.

Now, to be clear up front, none of my mates had any issue with the NAF coaches they faced asking if they were NAF members, and then asking them if they were interested in joining. As one said, none of them* were known, so no-one could be sure if they'd been asked or not. What did get their goat up was the constant badgering from certain coaches after both their game and the tourney to join up, to the point where a certain coach (who I won't name) offered to pay the membership fee "because I could use the ranking points". My mates know they're "nerds" because they play with little lead figures, but as one succintly put it, "that's anal".

As a result, 1 never wants to play a BB tourney again, 2 might come back to Spiky, but no others, 1 might be interested in attending another tourney with me, and the regular will be back next year with me. None want to join the NAF now.

And as a side point, other than Woody, none of the NAF coaches beaten by my clubmates (2 or 3 NAF coaches) asked if they wanted to join, so well done Woody, and shame on the rest of you.

*Bar my mate that is a regular, and he has no issue being asked either.
Hangus - Oct 17, 2006 - 04:39 AM
Post subject:
I don't think you can stop it other than doing like Carnage 4 and Monkey Bowl (and a few others ) and the non naf get signed up in the entrance fee. It saves hassle and even if they only play one a year they get some nice dice and in fairness they were going to pay the entrance fee anyway so they do not have to fork out any extra money.
SolarFlare - Oct 17, 2006 - 06:50 AM
Post subject:
It's a good idea to keep in mind that badgering can really turn people off from a community.

It's also a bit silly to offer to pay someone's membership fee so they can get the ranking points. On the other hand, I'd be willing to have someone pay my membership, just so I can get the new dice...

At any rate, we should all remember to encourage and highlight the community while not badgering the non-NAF guys.
nyarlathotep - Oct 17, 2006 - 11:04 AM
Post subject:
Allright, since nobody else rose to the bait:


There. I feel better now.

Jonny_P - Oct 17, 2006 - 01:23 PM
Post subject:
I don't like this behavior at all. It's just a game.

I'll keep my ears open to see if this type of thing goes on in the tournament I'm running next month.
Doubleskulls - Oct 17, 2006 - 08:31 PM
Post subject:
Like your mate said - its anal. Some people take ranking far too seriously.
Xtreme - Oct 17, 2006 - 08:46 PM
Post subject:
      SolarFlare wrote:

It's also a bit silly to offer to pay someone's membership fee so they can get the ranking points. On the other hand, I'd be willing to have someone pay my membership, just so I can get the new dice...

I'm going to start taking that a step further and tell people i'm not NAF but if they want to give me $10 i'll sign up. If there are this many tools around then I should be able to buy a couple of beers with their money at every tourney. Wink
SolarFlare - Oct 18, 2006 - 06:07 AM
Post subject:
      Xtreme wrote:

I'm going to start taking that a step further and tell people i'm not NAF but if they want to give me $10 i'll sign up. If there are this many tools around then I should be able to buy a couple of beers with their money at every tourney. Wink

Laughing The true genius of Xtreme...
Shadewe - Oct 18, 2006 - 10:13 AM
Post subject:
I have to say it that was rude of them to ask them join just to have the rank points.

This reminds me of the time when I played a chess match. My opponent dropped 5 pieces to me at the exchange of 4 pawns. Then he offered me $50 to drop the match. I felt insulted and refuse to lose to a person for acting/playing stupid.
Joemanji - Oct 20, 2006 - 10:52 AM
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How is someone asking you to throw a match for cash in any way comparable to this?
SolarFlare - Oct 20, 2006 - 12:04 PM
Post subject:
      Nazgit wrote:
How is someone asking you to throw a match for cash in any way comparable to this?

Well, I guess in both situations they're using money to advance their rankings... the situations are a bit different, though.
SolarFlare - Oct 23, 2006 - 06:33 AM
Post subject:
I don't think Xtreme or I had a single person willing to pay for our "NAF memberships" this past weekend at the Chaos Cup. Oh well... Smile
Shadewe - Oct 23, 2006 - 11:19 AM
Post subject:
      SolarFlare wrote:
Well, I guess in both situations they're using money to advance their rankings... the situations are a bit different, though.

The situation is different, but with the same intent as you said. It is the use of money to get someone to do what you want.
nyarlathotep - Oct 23, 2006 - 02:17 PM
Post subject:
      SolarFlare wrote:
I don't think Xtreme or I had a single person willing to pay for our "NAF memberships" this past weekend at the Chaos Cup. Oh well... Smile

I had no luck in my effort, either.

Perhaps the broad grin and mischievous twinkle in my eye gave it away. Laughing
Kolja_TBBF - Dec 02, 2006 - 03:16 PM
Post subject:
Hmmm, ok, so basically a guy was a pain in the ass at a tourney and now your buddies don't want to go to tournies anymore? It seems to me that any time you get a group of 20+ people together, some of them will be a pain in the ass. Good luck to your buddies....

majortusk - Dec 11, 2006 - 08:26 AM
Post subject:
      Hangus wrote:
I don't think you can stop it other than doing like Carnage 4 and Monkey Bowl (and a few others ) and the non naf get signed up in the entrance fee. It saves hassle and even if they only play one a year they get some nice dice and in fairness they were going to pay the entrance fee anyway so they do not have to fork out any extra money.

I really think that automatically joining them up for the NAF without thier approval has got to have some type of legal issues.

should really rethink this practice. what if that person shows up at another tourney? another membership? Another welcome package? if that person didnt want to join in the first place, I doubt he/she will remember what their number is for a future tourney.

I personally think autosignup is a wrong turn.
Styfen - Dec 11, 2006 - 08:35 AM
Post subject:
      majortusk wrote:
I really think that automatically joining them up for the NAF without thier approval has got to have some type of legal issues.

You have a fair point, but it's worth noting that Wizards of the Coast (and other such companies) have a policy of 'you must sign up to our ranking system to play' and there doesn't seem to be any legal issues there.

As for players in those tournaments who don't bring their number. Yup they get a new one. And with regards to the welcome packages... Well they're not exactly regular on turning up are they? I've recieved my dice cause I asked for them and that's it. Wink
GalakStarscraper - Dec 11, 2006 - 12:02 PM
Post subject:
      Styfen wrote:
And with regards to the welcome packages... Well they're not exactly regular on turning up are they? I've recieved my dice cause I asked for them and that's it. Wink
With CyberHare out and Lycos in ... I'm really hoping that VERY shortly that specific issue will be addressed.

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